"It doesn't even feel like I am wearing a pack!"


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My name is Patrick Jackson and I own and operate Changing Gear in Whitehorse Yukon. I recently completed another trip over the Chilkoot Pass and met some Australian hikers who were using your packs. They were kind enough to offer to try them and after 5 days using my pack and then slipping your pack on, it was like heavy boots to silk slippers. I was very impressed and they spoke very highly of the counterbalance system.”

Patrick Jackson, Yukon, Alaska


“Love the products you make! They make hiking manageable for an often-times overloaded professional commercial and landscape photographer.”

John Doogan, Christchurch


“For over 25 years I have been conducting international research on load carriage in military and leisure settings. This has involved a wide range of laboratory and field studies of many types of load carriage systems. Our research identified the principles of load carriage. As far as I am aware Aarn Bodypacks are the first to really put the principles into practice.”

Professor Stephen Legg, Centre for Ergonomics, Occupational Safety and Health, Massey University, 


“Aarn Balance Packs are innovative and revolutionary and once you’ve experienced one all other packs will fade into insignificance. During my 45 years of tramping, climbing and hunting I have used many packs including the latest ergonomic designs. My experience with Aarn Balance Packs has changed all my previous perceptions of comfort.If I thought the others were comfortable, the Aarn Balance Pack by comparison is pure luxury.I have never used a more comfortable pack—it fits your body like a glove. The Balance Pockets reduce a considerable amount of strain and are extremely useful for accessing items while on the move. I would thoroughly recommend an Aarn Balance Pack to anyone who wants to experience the pinnacle of tramping or climbing comfort. “

Ray Goldring,NZ Mountain Safety Organization


“The Porche of packs” 

Patrick Rottiers,CEO, PRO consulting International, Christchurch, NZ


“It is hard not to be evangelical about a product that works so well. It’s hard not to gloat when you pass someone bent over with a big pack.”

Phil Robinson, New South Wales, Australia


Last year I used a FF for my 2014 thru-hike of the Pacific Crest Trail. The hike went great. I hike with a dog and thus throughout the desert phase of the PCT, it was not uncommon for me to pack 10+ litres of water for long distances. The pack performed perfectly, allowing me to hike with quite heavy loads with ease. I completed my thru-hike of the PCT on October, 20th 2014. Earlier in 2014, I thru-hiked the Florida National Scenic Trail using your Natural Balance Pack. It was the same pack I used for my thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2013. I take my journeys and the gear I use very seriously. Obviously, I love your packs as I have been using them injury free for over 7000 miles now. You have designed an amazing load carrying system and it has served my needs extremely well. There is much I could write on this subject, but for now I just want to say thank you.

I will be hiking the Continental Divide Trail this year, hoping to earn my Triple Crown.

Brett Hessenius, Austin, Texas, USA

“I think the pack is tremendous! It’s the first pack I’ve had that really does what it is supposed to. I had back surgery six years ago. Part of a disc in my back was removed. I don’t have any back pain with my Aarn pack as I always had with other packs. Backpacking is the love of my life. I have had one of the best known, highly rated and most expensive internal frame packs on the market. This one surpasses that in terms of comfort. There was no discomfort in either the shoulders or the hips.”

Dr. Jan Lemon, Neuropsychologist, Boulder, CO, USA.


“Bodypacks virtually eliminate postural stress on the torso and shoulder girdle. My kinesiological tests on a patient who had back surgery showed  no stress induced by using the pack

Jay Wilson, D.C., USA, Chiropractor and Backpacker


“Last weekend we went up the Croesus Track with my old pack. Within about an hour, I was starting to get my usual pain across the right shoulder blade that I’ve become accustomed to whenever I use traditional backpacks and which I don’t get when I use an Aarn Balance Pack. I began tramping 26 years ago and have gone through 4 backpacks over that period. Your Balance Packs I have found the most comfortable and I can’t understand why anyone who is planning to purchase a pack would buy any other brand.”

Chris Leaver, Vice-President, Peninsula Tramping Club, Christchurch, NZ


“I heard about Aarn packs from a friend who walked the Camino in 2008. I now own 4 Aarn packs. I am a hiker and hike all over the world. I am the coordinator of a hiking group with over 300 members and am a great advocate for Aarn packs. A lot of our members now own Aarn packs and are extremely happy with the performance. Bloody fantastic, would not go to other designs.”

Anne Griffin, Kangaroo Flat, Australia


Recently my husband, Joe and I completed 462 kms. on the northern section of the Bibbulmun Track in W.A. I was carrying my Featherlite Freedom pack and Joe was carrying his Natural Balance pack. I carried about 14 kgs and Joe carried up to 18 kgs.

We are both very experienced walkers but our age is beginning to limit us. (We are 73 and 75) We found walking with our Aarn packs allowed us to walk an average 20 kms a day without sore shoulders, sore backs. We had plenty of energy left over at day's end to set up camp, cook our evening meal and after a good night 's rest be ready for the pleasures of walking the next section.

Other walkers we met were very interested in the design of our packs and I feel that we are proof that you have got your design principles right.

Thank you for your Balance Packs which have enabled us to realise our ambition of becoming "end-to enders" - we have now walked all the way from Perth to Albany A distance of 960 kms over the last 3 years.

Beth and Joe Gilks,WA, Australia.


Thank You, thank you, thank you so much. I just summited Mt. Kilimanjaro on Sept 3rd thanks to your gear.The other trekkers laughed at my Aarn Balance Pack, mainly my Balance Pockets until they saw I could hike with more weight and longer. They stopped laughing when I didn't have sore shoulders or back and they did. I carried my pack everyday.  Only one other person, a woman, who carried her pack the whole time.  With the Pacer Poles you guys advised me to buy, my arms didn't hurt, neither did my hands like the other trekkers did.  The guides told me I looked strange and I told them whatever it takes.  Only 1/2 of our group got to the top, I was the third one to summit of the 7 who made it. A huge thank you!!!

Jude Brown,Melbourne, Australia


I’m on the Te Araroa trail. I love my balance pockets and after 830km - still no sore shoulders/neck etc. Often I don’t bother to take my Bodypack off when having a break because everything is easier to access when it’s on. Great having camera, food, water etc so close to hand. 

I have regular massages at home & always my massage therapist finds aches & pains in my neck & shoulders - whether I have been tramping or not. I had a massage en route having walked 500kms - plenty of aches & pains in my legs & feet but NOTHING in my neck & shoulders - awesome. I think its often easy not to notice what is not happening (i.e. no discomfort) - but reading of & talking to other trampers & their rubs & aches I know its BLOODY AWESOME that I have none associated with my pack.

Wendy Hare,NZ


I always quite enjoyed going tramping but my pack always felt like such a weight on my back and shoulders that I wasn't that keen on multi-day tramping. I had tried various brands of packs but they all felt the same to me.

We both agree that after 8 years of intensive use, we are thrilled with our Aarn packs. The packs make carrying weight comfortable and weight of the pack centers through your body - you can almost forget you have a pack on your back compared with other packs we have had in the past.

The convenience of the balance pockets in front to access gear/food while walking and the inner waterproof pack liner are brilliant features too.

This pack has revolutionised my tramping. I have tramped further and higher than I ever thought possible and much of that has to do with the Aarn packs I am using." 

Helena & Stuart Gane, Auckland, NZ 


I thought that the shoulder–pain associated with carrying a heavy pack was an inevitable by-product of trampling- a necessary evil in order to enjoy the outdoors. Even with good packs my shoulders would hurt. Putting more weight on the hips did not help because I still had to hold the pack forward. I have no shoulder pain on my multi-day tramps with an Aarn Pack, despite carrying my normal weights of 18-20 kg. Great design and great attention to detail!

Stefan Meyer, Nelson, NZ


The ability to eliminate forward lean felt like a significant energy saver over the course of a day. As an ice speed skater for over 40 years, I am used to an acute forward lean position while maintaining an arch in the lower back - the speed skating position enabling power and energy efficiency when skating. I was thus not expecting the saving to be significant in my case; the reduced fatigue must have been attributable to the upright stance that can be achieved.

The other significant saving was the elimination of soreness in the shoulders caused by the rearwards pull of our previous packs. I used to relieve this pressure by holding the straps forwards with my hands for periods, but this cannot be done when using walking poles. The Balance Pockets eliminated this strain and soreness so the Aarn packs worked better with walking poles.

On steep descents with a maze of slippery, muddy tree roots and rocks the balance pockets did not obscure my vision for any foot placements and they noticeably reduced the potential for twisting torsional stresses from the load I was carrying as the centre of gravity was near the vertical axis of my body structure. I usually use a “counterbalanced” or “angulated” body position (skiing terminology) for descending difficult steep slopes when walking just as I turn on skis. A well-balanced moving body position is crucial and I felt more confident in my Aarn Balance Pack than I had with previous heavily loaded packs.

Mike Day, Christchurch, NZ


I doubt I will ever purchase another pack, unless you come up with a better one! Your innovation and attention to detail has redefined what a pack can be.

Sally Stockdale, Queenstown , NZ


I love what you do and have heard that you are always tweaking, trying new things, trying to attain perfection, never resting on your laurels, which I think is fantastic. I wish more folk were like that.

Rick Whelan,Diamond Creek, Victoria, Australia


I’m taking my old Featherlite Freedom for one final outing. I have just purchased a new Aarn Bodypack as a 78th birthday present to myself, and I’m sure that with any other pack I’d be sitting watching TV by now.  As it is, I’m confident enough about my future to invest in a new pack to replace my very weary old one – probably pass it on to a grandchild.

Richard Rayner,Wanganui, NZ



U Flow

"I have cervical, a slipped vertebrae and suffer way less problems with my neck using your packs due to the Flow systems. I really dread having to resort to another kind that locks my shoulders stiff since these often has caused my traps to go into spasm. Can I also just say how massively I appreciate your invention and very grateful to for making it possible for me to hike and carry again with my neck the way it is. I would never have been able to experience the incredible mountains of the French Alps and Norway without your pack, and it was a really unforgettable and sublime experience."

Alison MooreSydney, NSW, Australia

The U Flow systems work! The pack hugs the back closely and moves with the body without the feelings of restriction and discomfort.Stability is much better than with an ordinary pack on.I was skiing down from Cairngorm in a high wind; conditions were icy and darkness was falling – the pack was like a limpet, not swaying or moving at all, yet I had complete freedom of arm and shoulder movement.

Chris TownsendEquipment Editor TGO Magazine and Author “The Advanced Backpacker”


Shoulder Harness, backpanel and hipbelt

The wide shoulder straps are comfortable, pliable, and not bulky. Some of the most comfortable I’ve ever worn.”

Ryan Jordan. Review, backpackinglight.com.


"The shoulder straps were gently contouring and I experienced no neck pain, which has been a constant feature of my pack carrying life."

Paddy Pawson, Waipuna Community Trust, Christchurch


"This shoulder harness is the most comfortable I have ever used. As I have a shoulder injury, this makes things much better for me. Thanks for the great design!!"

Gerard Hughes, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


"The new On-A backlength adjustment system for the shoulder straps is a real improvement, allowing for compensation in the field for variations in clothing and a truly custom fit."

 John WatkinsUK


The mesh back on the harness system is extremely comfortable, and fantastic for keeping the back dry. What a contrast to when I swapped with Jane and wore the Hyperlite up to Satan Saddle -'ugh, soaked back.

The hip belt. Aaah, the hip belt! After 40 years of tramping, I can easily say this is by far The Most Comfortable hip belt I have worn. Awesome design Aarn What an incredible pack you have made for this low weight.

Gaylene Wilkinson, Golden Bay, NZ


The suspension and belt are indeed magnificent.  The Pelvic Form belt is incredibly good.One thing I noticed was that not only did the wide Quadro buckle promote diaphragmatic breathing, but the mesh backpanel did as well. Packs that rest right up against the back, I think, impeded rib movement. During diaphragmatic breathing, the ribcage expands, particularly so in the back. With a fully loaded pack pressed against ones back, I think the pressure promotes a spinal extension style of breathing, which we call chest breathing. In conventional packs, the pressure of the buckle on the navel, combined with the pressure of the pack on the back of the ribcage, almost obligates the wearer to chest breathe which is not good.

Joshua Speckman USA 


Water resistant Dri-liners

After two months of meandering around the great mountains and valleys of the West Coast, I really appreciated how dry the Balance Pack interior remained in the wet conditions.”

Paul Kilgour, Takaka, South Island, New Zealand


"Just came out from the Heaphy Track yesterday: in 1 word - AWESOME ! The pack performed way above expectation - the trip was very wet and everything stay dried not a drop of water in the pack. The fit was incredible no sore shoulders or neck which is a first for me on our breaks I would actually just leave the pack on. Balance pockets are great, versatile and handy."

Thejs Pedersen, Timaru, South Island, NZ


Temperature management

"Outstanding and a real strength of the design. I poured gallons of sweat into the pack and it wicked it away magnificently without any of the usual smells my packs emit after time. The 3D Air-mesh is sensational and the design breathes better than anything else. This also positively affected the breathability of my rainwear - i.e. no wet patch at the back. Surprisingly, the Balance Pockets were not hot and allowed breathing and ventilation very well."

Review after carrying up to 50 KG loads in the pack and hauling up to 25kg in a sled, Vinson Massif Expedition, Antartica

John Zeckendorf, Hobart, Tasmania


Balance Pockets

"I noticed a profound difference straight away wearing this pack. In use the Balance Pockets enable you to walk in a more upright position, and with considerably more balance than with a normal pack. Additionally, the load is distributed over the body, so your shoulders don’t get as sore. It all adds up to a less fatigued body, and one that can traverse awkward terrain more confidently."

Mark Watson, Editor, NZ Climber magazine Test Review


"Before using an Aarn pack I wouldn't have thought to complain about poor balance while using a day pack or a lumbar pack on a climb. Once we got on the long boulder fields of St. Helens though, I noticed a major improvement. I was able to move as though I wasn't wearing a pack at all, confidently walking across the tops of boulders whereas before I would have chosen a more conservative route."

Brice Keown,WA, USA


"We walked 75km in the Croajingalong N.P mainly beach walking in a drought. We had 3 dry camps in a row- no good drinking water as all the drinking water springs were bone dry. I was carrying around 20 kg, 4kg of which was water that was just a dead weight, especially when walking on sand. Out of the 6 of us there was no doubt that I was the most comfortable throughout the walk as I had my water in the Balance Pockets and didn't have the weight on my shoulders. One female walker had just purchased a new M***** and had large blisters on her shoulders, (not a good sight)."

Brian Ogilwy, Melbourne, Australia


"I was initially reluctant to wear the Balance Pockets because of the way they looked. The new Compact Pockets have style and they match my Peak Aspiration pack, so I tried them and found:

1. I was able to carry more weight than I usually would, but it felt like I was carrying my usual weight. There was no soreness in the shoulders.

2. When the Balance Pockets were fastened in the recommended X configuration, they sat comfortably and were stable even when clambering over rough terrain.

3. The Pockets were very convenient. Because I carried the items I was likely to use in the Balance Pockets, it meant I didn't need to remove my pack to access those items."

Alison Hamilton, Wellington, NZ 


"I honestly couldn't have made this documentary without the Aarn Photo Balance Pockets. I was carrying a 5d Mkiii with a 24-105 lens, a 14mm prime, and tripod and they were all within hands reach at any time. The weight distribution was amazing as well. It's a little unwieldy to get on and off. Otherwise, brilliant."

Andrew Suzuki, Film producer, talking about his latest film,  “Beyond The Way”


I usedSports Balance Pockets converted to a daypack for coastal rock scrambling and full day tracks.

I really enjoyed the minimal straps (typically most day packs have unreasonably wide straps) and the ease of customising the fit. The pockets formed snuggly to my torso with a good load on. With a few minor quick adjustments, it was comfortable the entire day. The pocket placement on the back (up high behind the shoulders) allows for great breathability. 

The capacity and function of the pockets was quite surprising. I packed entire days supply of gear, foul weather clothing and all the essentials, the stability was outstanding. Accessibility to all the common use items (sun screen, H20, food and hat) was spot on. 

When scrambling on rocks the pack stayed in balance and hugged my back without stress. I never felt unsteady or unsure with the load. And the internal dry bag feature was great for keeping some essential items perfectly dry. 

Jason Czerwonka, Alaska wilderness guide.


Universal Balance Bags

Testing Balance Bags with a Macpac Vamouse child carrier on a three day tramp in the German Alps - steep country! 

The weather was not the best, the first day low cloud, the second and third steady light to moderate rain. The Balance Bags were loaded up with copious amounts of apples (to feed hungry toddler) muesli bars and 2 ½ L of liquids. The weight was quite impressive and I was amazed when first loading up the bag as to how little difference it made to my perceived load- I barely noticed it. I had been skeptical about how the bag would load but found it incredibly simple yet secure. I know I would have been really struggling plugging straight up a steep mountain with the 10 KG  in the Balance Bags and on my back. Not only was the extra weight barely noticeable (apart from the effects of gravity), but it did truly allow for a better posture: it’s as though you could stand up straight and more independently of the loads which were cantilevered out from the pelvis in front and behind you. I was surprised that there was no sense of being pulled forward by the weight on the front and that I could barely feel increased pressure in the hip belt, despite the weight transfer.

Specific points:

  1. The carry handle worked well.
  2. The ventilation pocket between the mesh and the frame was perfect and so handy for my map.
  3. The Dri-liner worked perfectly in rigorous rain.
  4. Both mesh pockets were incredibly useful: the large open one for drink bottles, and the small top one for muesli bars and compass.
  5. When loading and unloading a child, it is a great advantage that you can put the carrier on first, progressively load the Balance Bags, and then so easily clip them on. Conversely the Balance Bags unclip so quickly before you take off the carrier. So Balance Bags are not a poor cousin to Balance Pockets and the instant attachment is a good feature.
  6. In summary I am very impressed by this bag: capacity, ease of loading and the revolution of accessibility which would be hard to give up.

Ben Evans, Osteopath, Whangarei, NZ


Until you have actually experienced it, it is impossible to fully understand just how much the  addition of Universal Balance Bags to your child carrier will increase your capabilities when hiking with your child on your back. You will be hard pressed to find any other piece of equipment that can give you equal value, literally every step of the way.

The Balance Bags fit on any brand of backpack. They give significantly more space for gear in the child carrier as well as in the other parent’s backpack, plus the ability to carry your gear much more efficiently and to walk longer without getting tired.  If you have a child carrier and you want to do hiking trips with your child that go a little further than just a walk in the local city park, please give these Balance Bags a try. Once you’ve tried them, I doubt you would want to stop using them! The idea of not using the Balance Bags anymore feels like the suggestion to stop using using wheels and going back to dragging things across the floor.

Matthias Thies, Christchurch, NZ


I recently tried out the UBBs. I certainly felt more upright and felt my  body walked more easily because of the front loading. I never felt any problem with seeing where I was going; the space between the bags is enough to completely eliminate that argument. They are certainly a good option for someone like me who doesn’t want to commit to the whole Balance Pack system, but who wants to try the advantage of a more balanced load. Thank you. Great design!

Malcolm McEwen, NZ 




"I am a mountain guide in the Alps working in Austria, Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland. I am addicted to Aarn Balance Packs now and make a lot of publicity to my clients of course, but also in mountain-huts and hotels. Best mountain greetings!"

Anne Moraw



Load Limo is an amazing pack and performed far in excess of what we needed for the trip. Vinson Massif is the highest mountain in Antarctica and getting up it requires around 11 days of pack hauling at times with a sled and up a 800m headwall using fixed lines. I took the LL all the way to the summit and found it to be far and away the most comfortable pack I have ever used. With lighter weights, I barely noticed that it was there and the rest of my group were grateful that I always volunteered for heavier group loads because they barely felt heavy enough! The Balance Pockets at the front were invaluable for mountaineering allowing the easy storage and access to temperature adjusting layers which meant that I didn't need to stop to layer up or down. Snacks, clothes, water and sunscreen were at my fingertips and I was able to be better protected via this. Even on a 50 degree headwall and fixed lines, the Balance Pockets stayed out of the way and I was able to move freely and with far less effort. The pack itself was so light and comfortable that I happily used it as a summit pack.

The real strength of the pack is in its balancing. By having the Balance Pockets fully loaded at the front I could move more freely and lean forward less. This made climbing easier and less tiring. At the end of multiple long days, this was very noticeable with the rest of my group using more traditional packs. This was especially nice when dragging a laden sled. I received lots of jeers at the start of trip for the LL's unusual design but by the end of the trip (and especially once people had tried it on), most were ready to go and buy one for their next trip. Your innovation and attention to detail of comfort is outstanding. Love the comfort mesh straps and back (= less sweat = less freezing when you stop) and the hip belt but even the little things like ski pole buckles demonstrated your astounding attention to detail. 

John Zeckendorf, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia



"Skiing the thick snow in the narrow, steep main schute required strong stances with a lot of body extension. The Flow Motion systems of the Flowmo Balance Pack allowed me to achieve the aggressive body positions of extreme skiing, which cannot be achieved with other packs. This gave me the confidence and security for a successful descent."

Rhys Vidgen, after first ski descent of main schute, Mt Alarm, Inland Kaikoura range. NZ


"It has been a longstanding problem cross-country skiing with expedition equipment. Sleds are hard to pull uphill and dangerous downhill. Serious backache often occurs even after a few kilometers due to an exaggerated stooped forward posture. Balance Pockets balance the weight front and back allowing us to stand upright and carry all the weight in the pack without back pain. We can leave the sled at home and go ride the hills for a comfortable week of solitary skiing."

Gael Simon, Ressources Orion, Canada

River Crossings

"I was on a river-crossing course today on the Tauranga-Taupo River with my Natural Exhilaration Balance Pack and was delighted how it performed. We had to do river crossings and then float down the river head first then feet first and in both positions I felt very supported with my head out of the water. I had a thermos and water bottle in the front pockets and this seemed to stabilize my position in the water.
Others with regular backpacks often seemed to roll a bit from side to side. Nothing was even damp in my pack."

Lesley McKeesick, Taupo, NZ



I honestly couldn't have made this documentary without the Aarn Photo Balance Pockets. I was carrying a 5d Mkiii with a 24-105 lens, a 14mm prime, and tripod and they were all within hands reach at any time. The weight distribution was amazing as well. It's a little unwieldy to get on and off. Otherwise, brilliant.

Andrew Suzuki,Film producer, talking about his latest film, “Beyond The Way”


I have been using the AARN Photo Balance Pockets with a number of pack models for several years now. The photo pockets have quickly become my case of choice for travel and field photography. Each compartment has individual dry bags for each piece of gear. Typically, I will carry an SLR (w/out battery grip) with a wide-angle lens in the larger compartment. On the other side, I fill the dry bags with various lenses and/ or a flash. There is more storage in the bottom each pocket that can house smaller lenses, or needed accessories. Access is one of my favorite features of the system: a top zip allows for quick grabs when needed. Each piece of equipment is protected with a dry bag, and some thin padding. I have taken my systems on several extended expeditions and have never had an issue with the padding. The final feature that has been a HUGE bonus for me is that the balance pockets detach and become a smaller backpack on it's own. This is truly great for those smaller hikes or urban travel with a camera system.

Sean O'Connor, owner, Freesolo Photography, Portland, Oregon USA


Aarn's Photo Balance Pockets have completely changed the way I take pictures whilst in the backcountry. As a long-time contributor to Wilderness Magazine I'm always striving to capture beautiful moments of people having a good time in the outdoors.

The Photo Balance Pockets help me having my camera and lenses available at all times without having to take my pack off. The other day I even caught myself changing a lens while walking. They are as much a camera bag as they are a safe container to handle my expensive camera gear while climbing up a mountain. My gear worries crossing rivers are a thing of the past, too. I just roll up the dri-liners and all that will get wet is me. Turning them into a day pack is another nice feature. Once I have made camp I can keep on exploring with a lighter pack.

With my camera gear safely and comfortably available at all times I can be fully in the moment and capture the story of a day in the mountains while it is happening. 

Dennis Radermacher, Owner, Lightforge Photography, Christchurch, NZ

The Photography Balance Pockets make it really easy to keep the camera at the ready - it's very easy to grab the DSLR out of the pocket, even with a 70-300 lens attached. When it comes to changing lenses, its like having an extra pair of hands. The load balance was amazing - totally different to my normal experience. Last weekend I packed my normal day-hike winter safety gear, food, 1.5 L of water, then loaded the pockets with my DSLR, 3 lenses, binoculars, GPS, plus a second point-and-shoot camera. The load just never seemed to be an issue. 

The elastic pockets worked well for stowing filters. I found the dry sacs spacious enough to make for easy use. This is a good feature as most inexpensive DSLR's and lenses aren't weather or dust sealed.

Michael Hamilton, Wellington, NZ


I am a botanical artist and do a lot of sketching and photographing of plants in the field. I have gone through a lot of packs to find the right fit for my equipment. Finally after searching endlessly for a daypack that would hold my art supplies and my camera equipment, the Aarn Balance Pack has proven the perfect solution. I carry my camera equipment up front in the Photo Balance Pockets so I have instant access – no longer do I have to constantly take off my backpack- and I carry my paints, paper, water, sketching tools, clothing and food for the day in the pack. Since herniating a disk in my back several years ago balancing gear up front with and behind is much easier on my back than a backpack. Happily the Aarn design also does not sacrifice manoeuvrability for tramping and climbing. It is very useful to be able to attach the same Balance Pockets to either a full sized pack or a daypack, depending on trip length.  Even in hot weather the Balance Pockets do not make the packs hotter and I have used them in some very hot places! I now use this pack exclusively on all my tramps from New Zealand to Bhutan and beyond. Excellent.

Rebecca Thompson, Christchurch, NZ


Child Carrying 

Today I loaded the Universal Balance Bags with food and water bottles to 8kg, popped my son into the Macpac Vamoose weighing in at around 24kg, added some more gear to the Vamoose around another 5kg, ( total 37kg,) and  took it for a spin over the top of the Halswell Quarry, just for thrills.

Of course at 6 years old Loki isn't normally in the carrier anymore. We had a blast, he was coaching and cheering me up the hill as a training exercise. Good leg and cardio workout, and a great way for us to have uninterrupted us-time.

The Universal Balance Bags work very well, and it made lugging that weight up there much easier than it would have been with all of that just on my back. Walking upright makes a huge (!) difference, and that difference gets more pronounced the closer you get to the limit of your carrying abilities.

Matthias Thies, Christchurch, NZ.


Search and Rescue

"Recently used my Aarn Featherlite Freedom on a Search and Rescue exercise. I am training a search dog (Tilly) and this was her first bush field trip/exercise.
This time after a long trail walk, we had to 'bush bash' through thick vegetation to a rendezvous with other search teams. At about 7.30 pm the dog and I began hours sign cutting and tracking through a freezing river gully. We had to continuously track the lost party in and out of the river up the steep gully sides, only to loop round into the freezing water again. When the rest of the search teams had bedded down for the night, we (Dog Team One) continued on, closing in on the lost party.
By nature of the dog’s abilities and speed we cover ground faster than a normal search team. As a result we walk (jog) further, and get fewer breaks, as we try not to break the dogs drive to keep on track. At 11.30pm we decided to call it a night. I looked at one of my support staff and saw he looked really shattered (carrying normal style pack). I however felt good to go. I had none of the usual aches and pains I would have had under my previous pack.
After 6 hours kip we were up breakfasted and good to go. Normally I would have really felt the aches on a cold morning, it was -6C but I still felt very comfortable. We carried on with the search, and by noon had located the remaining lost parties. Dog Team One (Two trainee dogs, two handlers and two support staff), had located all the most vital clues and all the lost parties, in the 24 hours the exercise had been running.
Tilly had performed well and I had learned valuable lessons about tracking by night through thick vegetation, but I would not have been able to absorb the key learning points if I had not been so alert. My load during those 24 hours consisted, of food and water for 36 hours (for the dog and I), tent, sleeping bag, cooking equipment, spare clothes, plus long leads, dog harnesses and other search equipment. It was not the heaviest load I have ever carried, but it was substantial. It's fair to say the Featherlite made the going much easier. As I sit here writing this I feel fit to go again (36hrs later). I do not recall being in such a physically good state after such intense load carrying exercise. My shoulders have none of the normal pain, and that alone made the investment in your product a sound choice.
I would like to thank you for an excellent, well-designed, comfortable pack. I may be getting older, but thanks to your product I kept up with people who have nearly a decade on me. I feel more well-known companies charge a lot of money for what I now realise is an inferior load carrying system."

Jim Negus, Taupo, NZ



"I broke my back in a climbing accident a couple of years ago and your Balance Packs play a big part in me being able to enjoy hiking..."
Andreas Nilsson, Halmstad, Sweden



"We recently used our packs on a paddling expedition. After an inadvertent swim in a class IV rapid, with my boat stuck in a hole for 15 minutes, everything came out dry!”
Sam Salwei, North Dakota. USA



"The movement aspect of Marathon Magic really appealed to me. I tried one on in the shop and loved it. Got some weird stares as I was 'practice casting'. It's the only truly active pack I've found. Even when fully loaded but it fits like a glove. Several fishing packs have front pockets and a backpack but none of them use any pack design science or match the harness you've developed, and they are cumbersome and uncomfortable to use with weight, especially if wading rivers and in the rough stuff."
Craig Price, Melbourne, Australia


Solving problems after surgery

We bought two packs for our 800 km Camino del Norte trek in Spain. The packs have greatly exceeded our expectations. I have lymphadema in my arm after breast cancer treatment in 2011 and even with my small conventional day pack, my arm would swell and ache at the end of even a 5kms walk...with your system I can walk 20 kms and I am pain free at the end.  I have been singing Aarn backpack praises and so many people stop me on my walks and ask about them!

Marion Armstrong, Mt Maunganui, NZ


Walking the Camino

I completed walking the Camino de Santiago Via de la Plata and Sanabres routes during June and July and I am very impressed with how well my Natural Exhilaration with Balance Pockets performed. 1100 km in 42 days definitely tests everything and I love how everything important was readily accessible in the front pockets and all the little clips and straps certainly made the life of this pilgrim much easier. Between your pack and Pacerpoles my body coped well with everything even in the middle of a Spanish heatwave in "the frypan of Europe" having to carry all food and liquid for the day! You get a few interesting glances along the way but no one doubted my ability to complete the trip and even on the day I found myself walking an unexpected 60 km, the pack wasn't an issue and I got into town surprisingly fresh.

So keep going with all the great design!

Donna Schakelaar, Darwin, Australia


Staying young

"I will be 75 next February and have had three spinal surgeries. When I get into your pack harness, I feel better, like a healthy 25 year old ready to hit the brush. Without it, I would be doing something else, not nearly as much fun."

Charlie Schwartz, , USA


Extreme Conditions

"We had the most ghastly weather the first day. Winds so strong they pushed us over - we were the lightest. Others packs kept swinging, mine (the Aarn) sat absolutely with the body - probably because of the Balance Pockets and the X-Flow straps. Love the pack and think it an extremely healthy design because of the balance factor."
Jo Speedy, Wellington, NZ


“It was pretty warm on our Sak River trip in South Africa—-up to 36C one day in the shade. In the open where we were walking of course there wasn't any shade and the temp was 52C. Still, it was dry heat, so reasonably comfortable. The packs were fine, and certainly no warmer to wear than a normal design, despite the front Balance Pockets. The matrix mesh back-pad is really great—much lighter than other packs and it lets the air through nicely."

John Flux, North Island, New Zealand


High Winds

"We had the most ghastly weather the first day. Winds so strong they pushed us over - we were the lightest. Others packs kept swinging, while mine, (the Aarn) sat absolutely with the body - probably because of the Balance Pockets and the X-Flow straps. Love the pack and think it an extremely healthy design because of the balance factor."

Jo Speedy, Wellington, NZ


Cold and wet

"We had torrential rain, sleet, hail hitting us sideways. My pack was totally waterproof, everything inside perfect. The Balance Pockets a boon as had everyone's snacks there and plasters - no need to take pack off in dreadful conditions with stiff frozen hands. All in all the pack is the best I have had, am totally sold."

Jo Speedy, Wellington, NZ


Hot Desert

“It was pretty warm on our Sak River trip in South Africa—-up to 36C one day in the shade. In the open where we were walking of course there wasn't any shade and the temp was 52C. Still, it was dry heat, so reasonably comfortable. The packs were fine, and certainly no warmer to wear than a normal design, despite the front Balance Pockets. The matrix mesh back-pad is really great—much lighter than other packs and it lets the air through nicely."

John Flux, North Island, New Zealand




Liquid Agility

I found none of the usual sore spots (shoulders, hips, upper back) when I loaded the Liquid Agility with 35 pounds for a 20-mile day, as compared to virtually any other traditional internal frame pack. I'm rather convinced that decoupling shoulder and hip belt movement from the load bearing suspension components has a significant impact on muscle fatigue when carrying weight for long days. The front pocket system, which is integrated with the suspension, greatly improves the maximum load carrying capacity of the Liquid Agility pack.It carries a 30 lb (14 kg) load in outstanding comfort relative to most 30 L-range internal frame packs on the market.”

Ryan Jordan. Backpackinglight.com review. See the full review on aarnpacks.com


“I am extraordinarily pleased with my Aarn Liquid Agility pack.I recently took a hike that had an average slope of approximately 25 percent and a maximum slope of 60 plus percent. I was carrying roughly 17 pounds in the pack. At the completion of the hike when I removed the pack, I had no sore spots and no aches in the back or shoulders. During the steepest portions of the climb I was using my hands pretty much continuously. There was no binding or pulling from the pack on either my shoulders or arms.

I used the optional Balance Pockets on this hike. The convenience offered by being able to access my stuff (glasses, GPS, maps, snacks, etc.) without removing my pack was a huge plus. I took advantage of the internal pocket and zip opening for a hydration pack, carrying 3 liters of water with electrolytes with me. It was nice to have my fluids so easily available.

In summary, with the pack and balance pockets I was able to walk upright with an easy movement. I had uninhibited freedom to use my hands and arms. I arrived home unstressed from carrying the pack. As a bit of frosting on the cake, getting off and on with the pack was easier than with either my day pack or bike pack. The balance pockets on the front make on and off of the loaded pack a bit like putting on a coat.

Roland Etcheverry, PhD., Manitou Springs, CO USA


Liquid Agility is the best daypack I've ever owned. It fits like a glove, no matter if my load is light or heavy. I use it a lot for tramping, climbs and snow climbs in all sorts of weather conditions. I so appreciate you designing such awesome packs. My multiday pack is also a dream to use.

Andrea Shepard, Hawera ,NZ


Natural Exhilaration

This summer I went on Mountain Leader training and then did 2-3 day walks using the Natural Exhilaration. It is without doubt the best well balanced and designed pack I've ever used in the 40+ years I've been in the Outdoor Business! Keep up the good work mate!

David Spronson, Windermere, UK.


I'm working in research and doing all the required fieldwork on our project, which involves setting up rat/possum traps in rough terrain. Switching from my old backpack to your bodypack Natural Exhilaration has been such an improvement to my performance in the field. I havn't even tried the front pockets yet, but the bodypack is so amazing already by itself. Thanks for your dedication to making such a wonderful product - so much better than any other backpack. Everyday when I put my pack on in the morning I think that I need to send you some feedback.

Rosi Merz,Wellington, NZ


I used the NE plus BPS-R in Japan. Whilst I felt all features met claims, the standout for me was the Auto-form hip belt with associated tensioning. I’ve never walked for five days and experienced zero load on my shoulders previously. Absolutely wonderful.

Mark White, Australia 


Natural Exhilaration+ Expedition Balance Pockets

The concept behind Aarn packs made intuitive sense to me the first time I heard about them. While I'd never had major problems with pain or discomfort while hiking and backpacking, I'd never had a pack that I really liked. Particularly with a heavy load, I usually found myself cycling through a few different positions as each one became uncomfortable; there was never any single position that didn't pull or push on something harder than was sustainable. So I was excited to try out an Aarn pack on a recent ascent of Mt. St. Helens. St. Helens is a long, steep, full day hike, and requires enough weight (4+ liters of water, layers, camera, etc) to give a good assessment of utility and comfort. On previous ascents I'd used either an Arc'Teryx Bora 40 or an extremely full Mountainsmith lumbar pack. The Bora 40 basically worked fine, though with some shoulder soreness despite a seemingly well functioning hip belt and a very sweaty back at the end of the day.  While lumbar packs solve both of those problems, carrying that much weight for a long time would cause quite a bit of discomfort on my hip bones by the end of the day because the full weight was pulling back against them the whole time.

Enter the Aarn Natural Exhilaration. After spending maybe 15 minutes to get the pack adjusted for my torso and loading it up, I immediately noticed how comfortable the pack felt. There was no pressure or weight on my shoulders at all; the Balance Pockets were functioning as advertised. More impressive to me was that the way the weight rested around my waist via the hipbelt was also immediately comfortable and distributed front and back. Once we got hiking there were some added benefits I hadn't anticipated.

First, it's incredibly nice to be able to access gear without having to take the pack off (or even stop hiking). Anything that's in the Balance Pockets can be easily taken out and put back on the move, and they're big enough for water, snacks, sunglasses, a hat, and anything else you might want on or off during the day. This meant fewer stops and a steadier pace.

Second, before using an Aarn pack I wouldn't have thought to complain about poor balance while using a normal pack or a lumbar pack. Once we got on the long boulder fields of St. Helens though, I noticed a major improvement. I was able to move as though I wasn't wearing a pack at all, confidently walking across the tops of boulders whereas before I would have chosen a more conservative route.

I was tired by the end of the hike, but none of that was due to the pack; I had no shoulder/hip soreness or hot spots. The pack still felt heavier while I was picking it up to put it on that it did once on, something I've never experienced before and more evidence that the balance system distributes weight more efficiently than other packs. While the pack is a bit trickier to size and pack than a normal daypack, it's worth the slight effort in every way. I would recommend these packs to anybody who hikes or backpacks regularly with weight, even if you think your current pack is comfortable.

Brice Keown, WA, USA


I walked from Le Puy to Figeac on the St Jacques de Compostelle (French Camino) with a friend last year, and was keen to get back to that area. Richard & I have just returned from the Robert Louis Stevenson trail from Le Puy-en-Velay to Florac, a beautiful walk through the Cevennes National Park.

I LOVED my Aarn pack! Thank you so much. We’ve already had phone calls to the store as a result of my blog.

The balancing of the weight onto the hip girdle feels extremely comfortable, and enhances the feeling of strength to support it the load. There was initially an increased sensation of pressure on the front of the lower hips, which disappeared after a couple of days as my body adjusted to it.

Shoulder straps seem to float effortlessly slightly above the shoulders! This was despite my two front pockets, which is my perfect place to have camera/sunglasses/guide book easily to hand – I take lots of photos. An added bonus was that I could swivel my body and raise my arms without restriction (especially for those ‘I’m having fun’ photos!)

It’s my pack of choice, and I look forward to using it again when we walk on the Bibbulumun Track later this year.

Sue and Richard, Mainpeak Shop, Perth, Australia


Peak Aspiration

“The Peak Aspiration is the most comfortable pack I have ever worn—period. Not long after I left the car the first time I used the pack I was heard to say ‘I don’t even feel as if I’m wearing a pack’. Later, I lent the pack to a friend for a trip—his feedback to me was: ‘you don’t carry that pack—you wear it’”. 

Mark Watson, Editor, NZ Climber magazine Test Review See full review on aarnpacks.com


Peak Aspiration with Sport Balance pockets has opened up a whole different world of backpacking. I can actually hike all day without upper body fatigue. Walking in a natural, balanced posture while carrying weight is absolutely amazing and light years ahead of all other packs. I don’t understand why such a basic, fundamental concept as balance hasn’t caught on. I tell anyone who is interested on the trail that once you experience a balanced load you will never go back to a traditional pack. Too many people worry about weight and not at all about balance - which is fundamentally more important. The whole system has been so well thought out and executed in terms of attention to detail and quality. Just the slight cupping of the hip belt makes a huge difference in terms of all day comfort. The idea of a Bodypack is one thing, but if the design and execution aren’t there, all else is futile. In this regard, Aarn has succeeded by far. I’ve wanted to tell you this for the past two years, but have been too busy actually enjoying hiking.

Jeff Clopp, New Jersey, USA


The Aarn Bodypack concept is agreat way to hike long distances with heavy (or less heavy) loads, and the Peak Aspiration with Expedition Balance Pockets is agreat implementation of the idea. During the two GEA hikes I walked up to 13/14 hours a day with 20/25 Kg loads, on anything from flat, soft meadows to thick bush and very steep, narrow and rocky trails. During all those days, the weight of the pack and its impact on my back and neck has never been an issue. I have come to a point where if I stop it’s because either I am very, very, very tired in general, or I have walked so much that my feet hurt enough to not let me continue. In both cases, no back or neck pains worth reporting. There is also another thing that adds to the general comfort: you can lay your hands or  forearms over the pockets while you walk. 

Besides greatly increasing comfort by balancing the load, the Expedition Pockets arebig. I was able to store in them five liters of water, plus a stove, fuel bottle, compass, digital camera, lamp & assorted snacks. The maps were carried in the external pockets.

I have always felt very stable while wearing the Bodypack fully loaded. This included very, very steep trails and where there was no trail - here the terrain was so steep and rough that I had to use my hands to keep going. Breathing and being able to see my feet on difficult tracks with two big, heavy bags in front was another big concern before getting a Bodypack. After one year, I can testify that these two problems don’t exist.

Marco Floretti, Rome, Italy


On my latest effort using PA and BPC, I set a new record for a transit of the near 1000km Bibbulmun Track in WA in 17 days, 9 hours and 39 minutes. I went self-supported using 7 very small food drops left out in the days prior to the trip and supplemented these with meals and food in some of the trail towns. The pack was great. It took a pounding (I was averaging 12-14 hour days) and there was lots of overgrowth and climbing through blow-downs. I had a fantastic time and thoroughly recommend the track to anyone looking for a challenge and adventure.

Andy Hewat, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

It is so refreshing to find a pack with the design so well thought out.  In fact, your pack is the first one I haven’t thought I could make it better.  So much tramping and climbing gear is on the edge of greatness with features that read well, only to discover a flaw once purchased, one that niggles me to look for something else. It seems the designers are not trampers - or at the gear is not made with NZ bush and conditions in mind.

Yes, PA is a true pleasure! Now I have to go look at it again! And plan my next tramp. Thanks again.

Sally Stockdale, Queenstown, New Zealand 


I'm simply emailing you to tell you that I'm very pleased with my newly-bought Aarn pack. Once I put it on, it is so comfortable to wear that I'd rather have it on than the opposite.

I'm a 24yr old girl from the Oslo area, Norway, working as structural engineer and spending as much time as possible hiking when I'm off work. 

I recently signed up for two 4-5 days hikes this summer and I needed a comfortable backpack of a suitable size - wouldn't want to bring more than necessary. After having bought two other backpacks that felt like nails into my shoulders while carrying ~10kg, I decided to try your Aarn Peak Aspiration 40L pack. Oh, am I glad I took this shot!

I'm especially amazed by the dynamic fit and the carrying straps. Previous packs have given me neck pains due to the abnormal posture of the neck/head over a longer period of time. The hip belt is very easily adjusted with the upper and lower strap to perfectly fit the hip bone, and the shoulder straps have sufficient pads to ease the impact on the shoulders. Also, not getting bruises on the hip after carrying a pack... This carrying system is (yes, I'm spelling it straight out: ) A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. The extra Balance Pockets in front are also a great advantage.

I'm glad I got the opportunity to buy your pack from the other side of the world, and I sincerely hope you continue to develop more lovely backpacks.

Heidi Jacobsen, Oslo, Norway


I am so impressed with this pack that I just felt I had to say thank you for the thought put into design! I do a lot of hiking and long distance hitchhiking, right now I am doing the winter in Sweden and for warmth have to carry a lot, my previous Deuter bag was not big enough so I went to buy a new pack and found a 45l Peak Aspiration and the Expedition Pockets... I filled the bag and tried it on and was so impressed that I had to buy it although way out of my budget (now I'm too poor to eat, but my back is happy!). I really can't get over it, even without the balance pockets and a 15kg+ load on my back I can hardly feel it, and the movement is incredible! if I had found a pack like this a couple of years ago I'd be in much better shape. it is truly amazing and I will be recommending your products to EVERYBODY and barely glancing at other brands, I hope one day I can afford some other sizes for other needs, but this is really going to make a big difference to my winter and I have to thank you! It feels weird doing this about a bag, but I really can't say how impressed I am and how much of a difference it makes to my adventure. My body thanks you!

Kian Joseph, Mysen, Norway


I spent five months this year from May to September hiking in Europe carrying your Aarn Peak Aspiration body pack (small) with Pelvic Form hip belt (M) and Sport Balance Pockets (R).  I carried 8kg and hiked 2500km encompassing: Le Puy to Saint Jean Pied de Port (Gr 65), Irun to Santiago de Compostella (Camino del Norte), West Highland Way, Great Glen Walk, Dingle Way and one section of the South West Coast Path (Minehead to Westward Ho!) the performance of the pack was exceptional. It's by far the most comfortable pack I've ever worn. I have several Osprey packs and none of them match the Aarn for comfort. Yes, it does take a bit of getting used to and seemed very fiddly at first, however within a few days getting it on and off it became second nature to me. Yes, it does have an annoying tendency to fall over when you take it off, however I did work out if I cross the balance pockets across each other it was more stable on the ground. I had many curious hikers asking about the system, most could immediately see the benefit of distributing the load, and I pointed them in the direction of your website!

Before I started my journey I'd read a number of comments online asserting you don't need balance packs/pockets for a light load.  I disagree, I tried one day (35km)without the pockets and never did it again, the weight felt so much heavier on my back.

The price point of the body pack may be a little higher than other reputable back packs, however, you just can't get this system and level of comfort from any other pack. The quality of the pack and the internal dry sacks is excellent. I walked through snow showers and torrential rain with no water penetration problems whatsoever.

I'm now totally converted and will be using an Aarn for all my hiking including for larger loads when I'm carrying a tent, food etc.

Congratulations on developing an all round excellent high quality system!

On a final note, I had a fellow hiker ask me how long it took me to get used to carrying the pack, I was on about day 40 at that stage.  It took me a few seconds to work out what he meant, and was happy to tell him it didn't take any time at all.  He persisted asking about how long it took to 'wear in'. No time, I told him, it was comfortable from day one! I'm not sure he believed me.

Suzanne Stratton Thursday Island, Australia


Just came back from a week tramping in Nelson Lakes National Park.

Had a great time and I really, really enjoyed the comfort of my Peak Aspiration + Expedition  Pockets. No sore shoulders, great weight balance between front and back, definitely the best tramping pack I have tried.

Thanks for that!

Chris,Staff Member, Living Simply, Auckland, NZ


Guiding Light

I recently lead a climb to the top of Antarctica, The Vinson Massif.  It was a superb venue to test my new Aarn "Guiding Light" Balance Pack.

The first thing I noticed was the way it carried. The balance seemed natural once I slipped it over my shoulders. Without even buckling the sternum strap, I felt the weight of the pack was neutralised around my spine. The load wasn't pulling my backwards for the first time in my life. Ahh! what a relief that was. The load wasn't any lighter but it was easier to handle as I wasn't fighting to counter balance the load by bending forward and pulling my shoulders forward. That saves energy. 

The next revelation was that it is very convenient to access items in the front pockets. Food, water, gloves, sun cream, glasses they are all there, handy, right where I want them. While others had to drop their backpacks to eat or drink I was finished even before they even started to rehydrate. 

The unique suspension system was my very next discovery. The pack seems to move with me. My shoulders could sway naturally without being bound to a backboard.

And the ventilation of the back pad is awesome. I am hotblooded and tend to sweat profusely when I work yet there is so much air flowing through the back pad that sweat build up was not a problem. Well Done.

Vern Tejas is a highly  respected Mountain guide for Alpine Ascents International. Notable achievements include the 7 summits 10 times (a record), fastest 7 summit time (134 days), 7 summits twice in 365 days and the first solo winter ascent of Denali. See the book about Vern - “Dangerous Steps” by Lew Freedman.

The climbing community has not yet fully embraced your designs - climbers always comment on my pack and ask me how I find it. I just came off a guide's course and all the other guides were most intrigued, saying I was the first person they had met who used one. There is a misconception that you can't walk on rough ground (the thought being that you can't see your feet) and people don't understand that the front packs are removable, leaving a compressible lightweight pack for steep climbing.

I've found the pack great! I've had trouble with my back for years and the difference in pain and muscle tension on long trips with heavy loads was very noticeable straight away. I walk much more upright under a load and find traditional packs horribly uncomfortable now. I've taken the pack on transalpine crossings, to Antarctica and up plenty of peaks and technical faces (recently up the South Face of Mt Cook). I was also happy to find a kiwi-designed pack that is made of lightweight materials and not canvas. The pack's suffered some wear and tear but that is the trade-off with lightweight fabrics I guess. I also really like the tool quivers - they are very useful for quickly stashing a snow stake.

Penny Goddard,Christchurch, NZ (one of our top female climbers)


Carrying the Guiding Light with week’s worth of food and a comprehensive climbing rack (30 kgs) up the Hooker Glacier recently, I was more nimble and better balanced compared to my climbing companions. While the walk in was hard work, I had no sore shoulders or hips. Also, when the crevasses required us to do two-tool climbs, the Flow Motion system allowed me to swing my tools above my head without restraint. The Balance Pockets were quite manageable in this terrain and I found them comfortable and very convenient. Camera, muesli bars and water bottle were all within easy reach. Once at the climbing base the Balance Pockets were easy to remove for the climb, considerably reducing the carried weight. 

The slots on the hipbelt allowed attachment of ice clips. This considerably reduced the bulk and weight of ice screws and other rock protection on my harness. For long sections of glacier travel, this gave better comfort. Retrieving gear from the firmly held hipbelt was quick, easy and reliable.

Using the built-in tool quivers on the sides of the pack, I was able to single-handedly stow and retrieve ice tools and snow stakes. This is extremely useful where it is too precarious to take the pack off. Recently I was working my way up a mixed rock and ice 55° gully with tools stowed. Whilst bridging the gully with my crampons on rock, I was able to use one hand to maintain balance, and the other to retrieve my snow stake and ice hammer from the pack, install the desired anchor, re-stow ice hammer and continue.  

Vaughn Snowdon, Christchurch, New Zealand

Hi, Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you! I recently bought a Guiding Light with Expedition Balance Pockets and took it on 5 days of tramping in NZ. I can honestly say that it is the most comfortable pack I have ever worn and the weight is truly on the hips as advertised. I walked faster, I was definitely more upright and did not suffer shoulder/back pain- it was a delight! I am very satisfied customer who is already raving to everyone I meet about Aarn packs!!

Liz Rode-Bramanis, Shell Cove, NSW, Australia


I've used a Guiding Light (Mk 1) as my main pack for almost four years. It's done 3-4 hundred days in the hills now with much of that thru untracked country. My one has the Sport Balance Pockets & they are good thru the scrub & uphill. The pockets allow me quick access to stuff likely to be needed whilst walking and are much more useful than initially expected.
I've found mine great; the best I've ever had in over 40 years of working & recreating in the bush & mountains! 

Glenn Johnson, Hokitika, South Island, NZ


I’ve now been using my Guiding Light for nearly 18mths and it’s the best thing since sliced bread !!! I’ll admit it’s caused a few sniggers and smart comments about my “Balance Pockets” from people in our bushwalking club but I’d never go back to an ordinary pack now.

On a 14 day walk in Kakadu the guide said they’d never seen anyone so attached to their pack. Whenever we stopped for a snack/drink/sightsee everyone else couldn’t wait to drop their packs but I left mine on because it was so comfortable and I wasn’t experiencing any strain in my back or shoulders like they were. The pack was only a couple of months old back then and I was a bit concerned with the front bags about the rock hopping and clambering over rocks that I was likely to do. Unfounded.... You don’t realise how far ahead you are actually looking for your feet placement when rock hopping and the gap between the bags meant my visibility was not hindered. In a couple of places where we had to hug a cliff as we walked on a ledge I undid the top of the bags and let them hang at the sides under my arms so again I had no issue. Nice enhancement.

Lynn Docchar, Australia


I have just returned from Patagonia with my Guiding Light and just wanted to thank you personally with all of your help and effort to make that possible. 

After 8 days of trekking through wind snow and sunshine it was a pleasure to come out the other side without any shoulder, back or neck pain.

I am so glad I did my research into your designs and that you were able to get me hooked up at short notice when everyone was out of stock.

Jack Bradbrook,New Zealand


Effortless Rhythm

I broke my back some years ago (T7 and T8) and have problems now carrying weight for any length of time. I get a real pain like a knife stabbing me between the shoulder blades.  But, not when using your Balance Pack design! 

Julian Daly, Nelson, NZ


“Absolutely the most comfortable pack for my shoulders and neck that I have ever had in 25 years of tramping.”

Meg Kilvington, Christchurch, NZ

Effortless Rhythm with its two frames could have been designed for me personally. Many years ago I had a small accident involving a bomb as a result I have less muscle mass on one side of my back than on the other. Being able to customise the frames separately means it is the first pack that really fits like a glove.

Hamish Alkman,Limoges, France 

“I had no aches or pains in shoulders or hips despite unfamiliarity with carrying a heavy load. The pack moved with me and didn’t prevent or hinder natural body movement. The precision shaping of the hipbelt made it so comfortable. The Balance Pockets worked well to balance the weight distribution. A very impressive performance, certainly the best pack I have used. I am selling my highly-rated NZ backpack so I can purchase an Aarn Balance Pack.”

Paul Moreham, Christchurch, NZ


“I used Effortless Rhythm on the Copeland Pass crossing. This is really quite amazing. I was able to walk with it for 3 days and remove it at the endwithout a single sore spot or any indication that I’d been wearing a pack at all.

Julian Maclaren, Christchurch, NZ.


For the past 7 years I've worked as a guide and national park ranger on the Overland Track in Tasmania. I walk literally thousands of kilomiters carrying heavy packs every year as part of my jobs and have used and have trialed a wide range of different pack makes and models. I've just returned from an eight-day ranger shift trialingEffortless Rhythm withBalance Pockets andPacerpoles. Both the pack and poles have far, far surpassed my expectations. I was carrying around 30kg for the first couple of the days and was truly impressed by the comfort and freedom of movement allowed by the pack - the Effortless Rhythm is aptly named! The Balance Pockets are an excellent innovation, of which I was skeptical to begin with. Initially I found the pack slightly awkward to put on with these full, but soon got used to it and found the benefits far outweighed any slight inconvenience. Having the weight central to the body meant the pack felt like it was part of your body, walking as if I wasn't carrying any weight at all, and were great for balance. The Pockets also meant that I could have all my essentials and equipment close at hand and could do so much more on the move. With the weight in the pack neutral to the body even with large weights I found I conserved so much more energy and there was much less strain on my body. I have not tried found or used any other pack that could match this. The design of the poles was similarly impressive. Walking using poles with hands in a neutral position is excellent. My hands stayed comfortable after using the poles all week and they were far more energy efficient than other poles I have used.

From the first day all I could do was rave and I have had many people over the week, both guides and other walkers, express interest in both the pack and poles. I can't recommend this equipment highly enough and it would be a privilege to trial and recommend you equipment to clients and other walkers 

Nick Tyson, Cradle Mountain National Park, Tasmania


"I initially purchased the Sport Balance Pockets, but once I had seen the attention to detail and quality build I was convinced to put aside my 'leading name brand' pack and move to an Aarn Balance Pack. I purchased the Effortless Rhythm to complete the system. The first impression was that this system is designed by people who had spent a lot of time thinking about carrying loads. The pack is a clean highly functional design with everything knitting together to make a complete highly efficient system. All other packs you may haul on your back, but this one you wear like a coat it is so comfortable. This system is the only one that I have found that truly allows you to get a 'perfect fit'. When wearing the body pack I was outright amazed to have no pain in the shoulders, back, or hips even after hours of hard tramping. Couple this with a huge increase in walking efficiency and the advantages of this system really come into their  own. I have been tramping for over 30 years, carrying loads around 35 - 40kgs at times. I have been involved in Search and Rescue and have tried a wide range of different gear. Nothing at all that I have seen, tried, or owned previously comes anywhere close to the quality, design, and outstanding common sense system that Aarn delivers."

George Turner. Nelson, New Zealand


Auyuittuq Pass Expedition, Baffin Island

Despite all my efforts to minimise pack weight, my pack was over 30 kg. You can’t say it was pleasant to carry; initially all our sacs were far too heavy to lift onto our backs alone, so we always stopped by rocks where we could sit and slide out of our sacs. I became more and more converted by my low-loader, front Balance Pockets and all (nicknamed ‘Boobs’). Canadians are so traditional …… I endured endless grief about my odd sac, but occasionally with the sun to the side I would glance at our shadows and sure enough there was a bunch of hikers hunched forward under their loads except for one short guy who seemed to be standing upright... Smugly I remembered my 20% energy saved! When I first tried the Effortless Rhythm I was not sure how much difference it would make, but swapping back to a traditional sac (I carried a few peoples’ sacs across a few rivers) it was instantly obvious that the Aarn’s claim about posture was correct. In addition, the load was kept very low and compact — great for crossing moraine and rivers and definitely the most stable sac on the trip. 

Tom Sibbald, Windermere, UK


I have an Effortless Rhythm...great pack!! I can carry all my gear for 5-6 days and have no back pain and no shoulder pull. After surfing for 40 years my back and shoulders are showing wear and tear. Other well know and expensive packs did exactly what you say they do AND your pack does exactly what you state it will. A bit fiddly to begin with but I'm pretty stoked. I had 7 hrs of moderate to heavy rain in April heading up to Heather Jock hut in NZ and the pack was great: in these conditions the balance pockets were so good to get gear and food out - easier by far than having to stop and take my previous pack off. Very happy with the pack.

Stephen Angel, Point Vernon, Queensland , Australia

A hunter’s perspective. 

I bought my Effortless Rhythm around 13 years ago.  Since then it has been my go to hunting pack for anything from day trips to multi overnighters and has carried literally hundreds of kilos of prime venison off the hill. 

What sets hunting apart from general tramping and hiking is that you tend to head out with a light to moderately loaded pack and if all goes well you return with a HUGE load, (often in excess of 30kg). Return trips frequently involve descending seriously rough and rugged mountainous terrain where balance and control are critical to both personal safety and efficiency of travel. 

These are the conditions in which Aarn packs excel. By loading the Balance Pockets weight is evenly distributed across the body. When descending steep and rugged terrain, by bending at the knee and breaking at the waist, weight is kept directly above the feet giving maximum balance and traction. The way in which the harness isolates movement of the arms and shoulders from the load is invaluable when climbing through the steep bush and alpine areas. The shoulder straps are effective at spreading the weight but slim enough not to impede off hand shots. 

While the pack is light it has proved to be very durable. I thought this pack was state if the art for hunting until I bought a “Peak Aspiration” pack. As I have gone light weight and small capacity in all new gear I buy, I believe this is the ultimate 2-3 day hunting pack. It can handle up to two boned out red deer (depending on size) plus overnight kit. It has an amazing ability to disappear weight! I will lift it up and think “that’s heavy!” Climb into it and wonder “where did that weight go!” A rifle can be strapped onto the side of the pack either hanging low or sitting tall depending on the terrain or situation. The “Effortless Rhythm pack may be preferred for those carrying more gear or planning longer trips. The Load Limo I would recommend only for serious expeditions, but for those It would be perfect. The ultimate pack, one that carries itself has not yet been invented. Until it is, I’ll stick with the Aarn. 

Jim Henderson,New Zealand


Load Limo

Hi! I thought it might interest you that I climbed Elbrus (Europes highest mountain) in Russia with your Load Limo. I have quite a lot backpacks, but the size, the weight, its functions and that it is waterproof made me curious and I did not regret it. I bought it in Sweden and use it now for solo mountaineering with tent an stove. It worked just as fine as I thought. 

Hardy Bobermien, Gothenborg, Sweden


In my endless search for tramping gear Nirvana (with no expense spared), I've had top-of-the-range packs from several manufacturers, but they all ended up inflicting the same discomfort in the same areas. Sure, I had aching muscles from the exertion, but for the first time ever gone were the sore hips and shoulders. So I never felt the need to resort to those tricks you see in tiring trampers - holding onto the front of the shoulder straps to take the pressure off the shoulders, reaching behind to lift the sack from below or fidgeting with the hip belt to stop the pinching or the slipping.

What I really like about your hipbelt is that it can be made to fit the pelvis and wrap around and over it snugly for even weight distribution irrespective of the tilt of the pelvis, which can vary a lot between individuals. On most conventional belts, there's a trade off between having enough weight on the hips and needing to tighten the belt to a degree that sooner or later becomes uncomfortable.

Walking upright was a welcome novelty. I loved being effortlessly able to look up and around (as we normally do) rather than feeling forced to look at the ground by constantly walking in a stooped position, especially as you're tiring towards the end of the day. Breathing and recovering from a steep climb was also easier because the diaphragm and lower front ribs are not compressed and restricted.

With those front pockets putting on and taking off the sack takes a little getting used to, and the adjustment buckles aren't as readily accessible as on conventional packs, but the small effort to adapt really pays off. They never got me hot and they didn't swing round wildly or feel unstable. Having them meant no more reaching behind to fumble for a snack, stuffing things into trouser pockets or asking someone to fish something out of the lid pocket.

In short, my long search for tramping packs stops here. Great product - thanks!”

Chris Fetto, Osteopath, Torbay, Auckland, NZ


“I find the concept of having the center of gravity of the body and the load along the same line is brilliant. I have a back problem. It has been recurring for 3 years now. This year, just a month ago, I had a spinal spasm. Severe pain lasted only 3 days. Previously, it took over a month to loose the pain. My physiotherapist says, “Your back was much stronger and posture much better, what have you been doing for it?” I tell her about my new Aarn pack and show her the brochures and literature. She’s very impressed. Her prescription for me: “you just keep walking and tramping and using your Aarn pack, that combination is the perfect balance for your back situation.” 

Paul Kilgour, Takaka, South Island, New Zealand


“In my 48 years of life I have spent a significant amount of time with a pack on my back participating in the activities of tramping, climbing, travelling, working and family activities. I tested Load Limo on a 6-day trip with clients in the Southern Alps.

The pack for the days 1-3 weighed 21 kilograms and from days 3-6 weighed 16 kilograms. From the first step taken this Balance Pack was significantly different to any other pack that I have used, the comfort level was very high both in terms of the hipbelt and shoulder straps, so comfortable that I thought that this cannot last, but 2, 3, 4, 5 hours later the same degree of comfort was being experienced. Likewise, the Balance Pockets involved a cultural change in what I was used to, like me habitually leaning forward with my tramper’s stoop. But again, after a couple of hours of consciously walking more upright, the benefits of the B Balance Pack became apparent.

The ease of availability for essential items (first aid, camera, scroggin, water bottle) stored in the Balance Pockets meant less frustration and less stops along with the obvious benefit of weight balance.

The sewn in pack liner is a very useful and one less thing to consider The Velcro closing for closing the top was great and the simplicity of the feature made me wonder why it hasn’t been thought of earlier. The Balance Pack stuck to my body like glue and the harness was particularly effective when I negotiated constant windfall.

Overall this pack felt like something from another planet, something us pack-carrying people have not seen the likes of before and have only encountered in our dreams. The comfort, the lack of aches, strains and stresses make this Bodypack a must for serious consideration for anyone considering replacing or buying their first backpack.”

Paddy Pawson, Waipuna Community Trust, Christchurch


“I am a 60 year old bushwalker and I only took it up at age 58. My son has had one of your Load Limo packs and he’s always raved about it. So, I bought one for my trip on the Larapinta Trail in Central Australia. It was fantastic.For the first time I felt really balanced and I never once experienced sore shoulders. So thank you for designing such a wonderful pack and I wish you every continued success in your business.”

Bob Sharples, Victoria, Australia    June 2005


“Got my Load Limo recently and headed for my favourite trail in the Kenai mountains.I have never before covered that mileage with so little pack pain/ awareness. Simply amazing! I noticed that at rest stops, after taking the pack off, that feeling of being ‘pushed forward’ that you get from compensating from a pack that pulls backwards, was absent.”

Bill Siemens, Anchorage, Alaska


“My husband and I have fairly recently returned from a tramping tour in NZ. We invested in two of your backpacks, and I wanted to say how fantastic they were. We have used “normal” packs previously and found yours to be far superior for comfort and fit. Once the fitting was understood and worked out, we really enjoyedthe freedom that the pack gave and the sense of balance when walking. We now look forward to many years using our packs!!!

Margaret Jawerth, Australia, 27 January 2006

“I would like to tell you about my Balance Pack experience. I lay down last night in my tent, there was something wrong—there was NO PAIN!!Mate, I felt like I had been transported to another planet.”

Rick Wildman, Carterton, North Island, NZ    February 2004

I have had 25 years of outdoor experience and I was blown away by the comfort and load carrying ability - outstanding.

Chris, outdoor instructor, Tauranga, NZ


I've been the happy owner of one of your Load Limo packs for the past 3 years, and every summer have been using it on mountain expeditions while instructing with Outward Bound USA. I have to say that this pack has made a dramatic impact on how much I enjoy my job: at the end of the day my hips and back are not sore and aching like they were day after day wearing one of my old packs. I have given dozens of endorsement for your packs to students and fellow instructors over the years, because the natural balance system works so well. Thanks so much for the innovative work that you do!

Daniel Chambo,Outward Bound instructor, Asheville, NC, USA


The Aarn pack has revolutionised tramping for me. For the first time in over 20 years of tramping almost all of the pack weight now sits on my hips rather than my shoulders and I no longer have aching back and shoulders that I had come to accept as the norm when tramping. When I stop for a rest my friends usually take their packs off as I always did. Now I leave it on and even stay standing because I hardly notice it! The front packs too are great because pretty much everything I need for the day can go in there meaning I don’t have to take my pack off to access stuff. I also load them with heavy stuff like food and water. This distributes the weight more evenly and also makes the load less noticeable. So well done and keep up the good work!

Dave Mason,Head of Outdoor Education, Howick College, Auckland, NZ


I have a Load Limo with Expedition Balance Pockets which I have owned since early 2010. I have no doubt that without this pack I would not have been able to have some of the adventures that I have, especially since having a run in with a dugong in early 2015 and suffering 2 herniated lower back discs. Only a few months after recovering from this injury I was out bushwalking in the wilderness of Tasmania carrying 18kg, only possible because of the low centre of gravity and distribution of weight that comes with the Aarn pack. The pack has been an integral part of a 16 day cross-country trip in the Kimberley, 6 weeks in Central America, 3 trips up and down Hinchinbrook Island, and countless overnight wanderings in far north Queensland. As a photographer and birdwatcher/naturalist, I have a distinct advantage in being able to grab camera and binoculars from front pockets without having to remove my pack (not to mention water and snacks!).

Dr Eridani Mulder, Wildlife Ecologist, North-east Region, Australian Wildlife Conservancy

Well I've just done the hardest to date section of my Southern Alps Traverse using my Load Limo pack,  We went from Mt Cook over the Sealy Range to Scissors and down to the Rubicon and on down the Landsborough to Haast. We were out 9 days and had some difficult climbing, many kms of boulder hopping and lots of bush bashing. It took an awful toll on our gear and bodies. Interestingly the Load Limo performed admirably. The balance was perfect and climbing the steep snow and rock was no different from using a smaller 'climbing pack'. Of course on a 9 day expedition you have a lot of gear to carry and here is where the pack comes into its own. Not only is there the room for all the gear and food but it carries comfortably. My companions were Penny Webster and Bruce Farmer, both highly experienced climbers.

Stanley Mulvany, NZ

We have just completed a traverse of the Western Arthur Range for an Everest training trip. This is typically a 9-12 day trip we did in 4 (in terrible “roaring 40s" weather). It is well known as one of the steepest and most spectacular (not to mention hardest) range crossings in Australia. I have to say that even with all the ups and downs, I didn’t need to adjust my pack once (i.e. switching between ups and downs) and I went up to 10 hours without even needing (or wanting to) take it off. It was very comfortable. I was a bit skeptical about using the Balance Pockets on such heavy scrambling as I thought that they would get in the way. It did require some adjustments to my usual movements but once I got the hang of it, I flowed using so much less energy, we were able to keep going for up to 12 hours per day.

John Zeckendorf, Hobart, Tasmania , Australia




Marathon Magic 22/ Pace Magic 22

"Having just completed the Augrabies Kalahari Extreme Marathon using an Aarn Marathon Magic 22. I must commend Aarn on the design and application-in-use of this pack for a multi-stage desert race – this pack really delivers the goods! The pack is slim and relatively tall which allows it to ride comfortably. With the weight carried on the hips and pack movement eliminated by the ingenious strap routing, there is minimal downforce experienced on the shoulders and the pack literally sits on your back almost as an extension of your own body. The new design with its collapse cords is clean and clutter free, with the 22 litre unit in conjunction with the Marathon Balance Pockets perfect size-wise to accommodate everything required for a multi-stage desert event. The mini frame in the back of the pack allows air to circulate down your back which, in 50+ degree Celcius temperatures is a great relief. Comparing the features of the Aarn MM22 pack to the other top brands used on the event, the Aarn, in my opinion, well outclasses the competition!”   

Michael Jonathan Rowland,Zimbabwe


Ive just got back from a mountain marathon where, as usual, my MM33 performed great. Ive used it over the past couple of years for multi day ultra events where you carry your own kit and its been amazing.S o it has been well used in races and ultra training runs. Attached is a photo of it in use in the last Spine Race.

Bruce Bellinger, UK


Marathon Magic 33/ Pace Magic 33

I don’t know if you followed us on thewww.4deserts.com Sahara race or not, but the Lowe family, all three, made it to the finish, making it through it with your Marathon Magic 33 packs intact. All three of us were very pleased with the pack and praised it to others when asked.  We had no problems, no tears or breakage as many had with their packs. Matthew did the best of the three of us taking fourth, just a short time from third overall. We both came in first in our age groups. Carrie Anna, my daughter competed in a very competitive ladies group, came in third in her age group and 8th overall in women.

People asking thinking the front pockets would be hot on the body– they weren’t, even when the heat that got up to 117 – 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Air seemed to flow well enough between the pockets and the body, yet the pockets did not move excessively. I know the pockets are for counter weight, but they provided plenty of space for easy and fast access to water, electrolytes, and energy foods. Grateful,

Ted Lowe,USA


I would just like to send a quick word about my wife and my experiences with your Aarn Marathon Magic (33) packs during our March/April trek of the Camino De Santiago (French Route, total distance 827kms in 24 days).

I have been involved in trekking, SAR, mountaineering, military and backpacking for most of my life and used a wide variety of pack systems in that time. I have usually preferred New Zealand options, but have also tried what other countries manufacturers have to offer.

Because of the long distance we were covering, the weight we carried (including the weight of the pack) was a priority concern. We chose the Aarn Marathon Magic 33l for its lightness, harness system and the front pockets. My wife and I managed to get our pack weights down to 7 and 9kgs respectively (this included food/water and sleeping bags).

Our thoughts on completion of the Camino are that these are by far the best packs we’ve ever used.

  1. The harness system with the way the pack hugs your body and moves with you via the Omni-Flow system at the bottom of the shoulder straps is excellent. The X-Flow chest harness allowed the pack to fit so snugly that it got to a point that after a few days I had forgotten I was even wearing a pack.
  2. The front pockets are excellent and not only for their quick access to gear:
  3. The weather was abnormally cold and stormy for early spring in the North of Spain this year. We were regularly trekking through snow and cold wind with temperatures ranging from -5 to -7 degree C. The front pockets shielded the cold wind from your chest and stomach and also allowed you to warm your hands up by sliding them between the front pockets and your body.
  4. Equipment such as guide book, Spanish Phrase book, mobile phone, camera & tripod, pocket knife, Head torch, lunch and water fit easily into the pockets and meant you could walk indefinitely without the need to stop and remove your pack to take the same items out. We even put a toothbrush and paste each in the front pocket so we could brush our teeth on the run after our breakfasts! Got some humorous looks but it’s all about saving time and getting the kilometers behind you!
  5. The items in these front pockets were the heavier small items and by having them at the front meant that the balance of the pack was great. Basically it was only clothing, sleeping bags and toiletries in the back.
  6. I also found an excellent spot for my Garmin Oregon GPS by clipping it to the strap close to the higher snap clip off the front pocket (where the traditional sternum strap would go).
  7. The walking pole/ice axe holders on the sides are a great way of storing them when not required.
  8. The pocket low down on the back of the pack was great for storing my wide brimmed hat when there was no sun (most of the time) and helped to prevent crushing it out of shape
  9. I was a little worried about how rugged the packs fabric was going to be. But by the end of our 2 month backpacking trip that included the 830km trek I only had one cut on the front of mine and my wife’s went unscathed. I was able to repair this with some strong adhesive repair tape.

In summary I found the Aarn Marathon Magic 33 to be an excellent piece of kit and in its element on the ultra long distance trek that is the French route of the Camino De Santiago. I received a great deal of interest and curiosity from other walkers (who were mostly Europeans) and certainly recommended this pack to anyone who asked.

Thanks very much for the good work in creating this comfortable and highly usable pack. It made our experience more fulfilling.

Richie and Tracy, Manukau, NZ


Mountain Magic

I found out about your pack on Backpackinglight.com where it was mentioned often by a few people but just kept slipping off my radar... I was going ultralight but I am pretty light myself - 5' 11" and only 135 - 140 lbs (I'm a 27 year old male).

I tried a LOT of backpacks (mainly Osprey and Gregory) with only 20 lbs or so in them but found them all uncomfortable, especially in the lower back. It seemed like my spine was curving in an S shape to support the pack with my lower back.

I ordered the Mountain Magic 55 on an impulse as one last shot in the dark after I'd 'settled' for an Osprey Exos and it has been a game changer. I have no pain or discomfort while wearing the pack.

Prior to this pack (also prior to cutting ~ 5 - 10 lbs pack weight), I'd never done more than 10 - 12 miles in a day. Now I've done up to 22 mile days easily — and the limitation was daylight. I could have kept going. No pains or sore points and far less exhaustion. Partly because of this, I'm planning a thru-hike of the Colorado Trail this August (about 500 miles in the Rocky Mtns., climbing more than 2000 ft / day on average). I'm hoping the Mountain Magic will do the trick!

So congrats on an amazing pack. While I hiked along the Appalachian Trail here in New Jersey, many AT thru-hikers asked me about the pack. Some had heard of it but had never seen one in person. Others were very intrigued and couldn't believe they hadn't seen such a design before because it "just makes sense".

Arvind Murugan,USA


I totally wanted to tell you how much I LOVE my Mountain Magic U Flow Bodypack! It is the best thing to happen to my backpacking life!

 I just returned from tramping the Pyrenean Haute Route, from the Atlantic Ocean across the spine of the mountains to the Mediterranean. It took me 55 days (816 Kilometers and 35,633 meters elevation gain). My Aarn pack was so comfortable and allowed me such freedom of movement – it is awesome!!!  I do have to admit that it was a bit heavy in the beginning (only my fault), and after the first 10 days, I mailed home 3.2 Kilos of gear (including my stove!) to get me down to about 17 kilos with food and water. Then it was really manageable. I had a great trip!

Talie Morrison, retired mountain guide, Crested Butte, CO, USA

I  used the Aarn Mountain Magic to achieve my goal  to become the first person to climb all of Australia's 26 highest mountain peaks non-stop, achieved in November 2013! I have been using it for absolutely everything since - Absolutely awesome pack!

Kyle Williams,Adventurer, Australia

In June - July 2015, it was my third trip to the Kimberley (Australia) walking with a Aarn Mountain Magic U Flow Bodypack. I will never be able to thank my partner, Fleur Crowe enough for letting me know about this pack.

It has changed all my ideas about walking. It ended the horrible feeling of weighing a ton and having my movements limited. Aarn technology frees your shoulders in an amazing way. It is surprising. You have to try it to believe it!

In 2013, I used this pack to walk the South-West side of the Prince Regent river in the North-West Kimberley . It took me some time to understand how all the straps were working. I would say that it is a pack you may not like on your first few days but you will love in a very short time. I had to swim sometimes and none of my items ever got wet -the liners did the job.  This trip lasted 13 days, walking through some harsh vegetation, always off track. The pack survived it easily.  Apart from the feeling of lightness, I really loved the accessibility of the Balance Pockets. You can store a camera there and its ready to «click» in seconds. They offer great access to your map, snacks or any items you need while walking. 

In 2014, it was an 11 days trip to the head waters of the Prince Regent river. Again the Mountain Magic did the job. The Balance Pockets do not disturb your walking. You can see where you are putting your feet. There was quite a lot of climbing. The pockets are only a problem when you have to be as close as possible to the rock wall- in my opinion the only negative side of this pack. 

In 2015, it was a 26 days walk from King Cascade on the Prince Regent to Lower Mitchell Falls at the mouth of the river. No food drops. Alone. The pack weighted 20 kg. The volume of the Mountain Magic worked well for this long trip. The pack was full. I put all the spaghetti and rice in the Balance Pockets. There was no swimming this time but a lot of scrub and climbing and other Kimberley enjoyment! For example, water is not everywhere and I had to carry up to 7 litres. Extra space for the water was fine, thanks to the roll top closure!

I am thinking of another long trip in the Kimberley in 2016 and buying the Mountain Magic, saving 380 grammes on the pack alone. Not bad for such a technical bag.

Sébastien Heritier



Featherlite Freedom

Just before Xmas my partner and I had a fantastic trip to the Garden of Eden Ice Plateau with skis. It was a great test for the Featherlite Freedom pack as I skinned, skied, climbed, bush-bashed and tramped over 5 days. The 2 day exit from the Gardens is definitely thorough testing country and we had full camping kit with us.

I was more than happy with how it performed when it was loaded up, and how good it was to ski with all my gear in it and the Balance Pockets in front. We were bush bashing in alpine scrub and bush and this was no problem with the Balance Pockets. There was also no issue with not seeing the ground because of the Pockets - and a lot of the terrain we were on was quite technical. This  included a steep climbing ascent of The Great Unknown and a steep descent down a creek bed on our route out. During the long 14 hour tramp out down the Perth/ Whataroa, I never got the expected/normal sore shoulders/neck and bruised hips.

Jo Haines, Alpine Guide, Wanaka , NZ


I've had a Featherlight Freedom pack for several years and LOVE it. I was nearly ready to give up backpacking because I was always so uncomfortable, but the bodypack system has absolutely revolutionised my backpacking experience. It doesn't even feel like I'm wearing a pack! (My trekking companions HATE it when I say that.)  Thanks so much for making your amazing products! Cheers,

Emily Weiser


In the summer 2014/2015, I put making coffees aside to walk the length of New Zealand on the Te Araroa. Doing some research about what kind of gear to get for that challenge, I discovered Aarn Bodypacks and was impressed by the ingeniousness behind the design. I then decided to equip myself with a Featherlite Freedom, which made walking these 3000Kms from Cape Reinga to Bluff as smooth as a latte bowl.

Along the way, my pack raised a few eyebrows, sparked a lot of questions and was tried on many times by curious and interested hikers. At least 5 of them now have swapped their regular backpack for an Aarn bodypack:

  • Jörg Flugge, from Germany and living now in Wellington, who bought his own Featherlite Freedom as soon as he could on the Trail.
  • Rory Hart, who, right after the Te Araroa, through-hiked the Pacific Crest Trail in the USA and brought with him an AARN pack.
  • Patrick Cooley, who, while working as a sound engineer on a world tour for a rock band, seized the chance to purchased his AARN pack during his most recent visit to Christchurch.
  • Evelyn de Boeck and her partner Per-Jonas Strand (aka Eef and P-J), who both decided for an AARN pack to walk the Bibbulmun track in Australia right after the Te Araroa.
Am I boasting that I played a part in these people swapping their old backpack for an AARN pack? maybe a little, but really, the practicality and comfort of your clever pack did all the convincing. I just happened to show the pack around and spread the news.


Marylene Coutret, Motueka, New Zealand


“Just completed a 22 hour continuous training mission in thick west coast bush. Featherlite Freedom was awesome. No sore shoulders or back…first time ever that I have carried a load for that long without a hint of discomfort. Amazing comfort and stability.”

Andrew McLeod, Wanaka, NZ


“The Aarn Bodypack Featherlite Freedom gets an "A" for innovation. I achieved a superb fit with this pack and comfortably carried 30-pound loads over a variety of terrains. Featherlite Freedom has one of the most sophisticated and adjustable suspension systems to be found anywhere, and I had no trouble dialing in a perfect fit. The pack's articulated hipbelt and sliding shoulder straps allowed excellent freedom of movement while the pack "stuck" to my back.

Will Rietveld, Read the entire backpackinglight.com review of Featherlite Freedom at aarnpacks.com


I've come off a 5-day tramp in the Tararuas with Featherlite Freedom, packing around 9kg. Like many older trampers I too have suffered and been damaged by inadequate packs, little realising how they were hurting us

This trip my partner carried my last "good" pack, a 55 litre design from one of the big players that til now seemed better than most. Because we have very similar body sizes we were able to swap from one to the other for direct comparisons. 

The Featherlite was the clear favourite. Perhaps the most noticeable effect was the ability to just "stroll" in a relaxed normal gait on the flat sections. To my mind the unbalanced lean forward pose of the older designs means that you are constantly "walking uphill", expending extra effort even on the flat. All up we estimate your designtrims anything up to 15-20% of the effort off a typical day's tramp.

Phillip Wilkie, Wellington, NZ


"I would like to thank you for your excellent packs. I have recently walking the Kokoda track. I am a 52 years old woman and short - 156cm. When I arrived in PNG I was concerned that I had made the wrong decision not to organise a porter as most of the walkers in my group had and were just carrying a day-pack. Most of them where much younger than me and all of them much taller! I carried all my own gear plus 4 litres of water. I found my Featherlite Freedom fantastic. It felt like a pack only 1/2 the weight - the balance was perfect - which was a real advantage in the areas of the track that were very steep and slippery. I had no trouble keeping up and no discomfort. Thanks - its a fantastic pack".

Suzanne Deed, Warragul, Australia


I started hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, from the Southern Terminus, starting April 25th, and finished the trail at the Northern Terminus on September 15th. In the desert sections I took the waterproof bags out of the pockets and pack. Through the Sierras and Washington I put the waterproof sacks back in. In the desert section I was carrying on average up to 4-6 liters of water per day, along with the rest of my gear, which weighed about 8 to 9 pounds. The rest of the way I carried 1-2 liters on average during the day.

Waterproof sacks: The sacks worked great. They did what they were designed to do. When I encountered rain or wet conditions all my stuff remained dry. I really loved having those sacks.

Front Pockets: Got some weird looks and comments, but it was a great way to introduce the pack. I highly doubt I would ever go back to a traditional backpack, because the Aarn is just too good.  The pockets performed as expected and then some. I had all my essentials up front, including water, food, camera, map, and water treatment.  I really enjoyed the pockets up front, and didn't get overheated or tired of them up front. 

Backpack: The pack worked great and I really like the roll top closure and the 3 buckles for the pack. The zip divider at first took some getting use too, but then became second nature. The two side pockets of the pack worked great too, I was able to stow water bottles with no problem. I can't say enough about how great the backpack performed. The only recommendation I would make would be to experiment with a large mesh pocket on the front of the pack.

Overall: In the beginning I was really nervous and anxious about this pack, and wondering if it was a "sham" or if it would last, and how would it perform, and I hope I make it through all the way with this pack.  But now, all my questions have been answered, I am excited about this pack and really enjoyed the Featherlite Freedom. The pack did not put any pressure on my shoulders or back, and the pack I think actually helped my back in some weird way.

Scott, USA


Hi Team I have just finished a three day tramp taking in the Tararua Circuit with a length of 45 km and an elevation gain of 3000 meters, I can honestly say that the Aarn Featherlite Freedom Bodypack is the most comfortable pack I have ever used. It performed flawlessly. It did take a few adjustments to get it right but once you got there it put the pleasure back in tramping no more sore shoulders or lower back pain it was good to walk upright and not hunched over.  I'm so impressed I have placed an order. Once again thank you for allowing me to test this outstanding product.

Rangi Busby, Palmerston North, New Zealand


The 2020 Featherlight Freedom is the most impressive and comfortable pack I've ever tried. The suspended mesh backpanel is very comfortable and effective. The pack I've used for longer trips over the past several years has been an Osprey Stratos 50, one of their packs with suspended mesh backpanels, and I must say that your design is superior: the pack rides closer to the back, which is huge, as this has been the number 1 criticism of Ospreys designs over the years; the way you've allowed for adjustability of tension on the mesh is brilliant; the comfort is superb, probably the most comfortable back/pack interface I've experienced.

The Pelvic Form belt is incredibly good. I'm very impressed with the way you've lightened up all the pack's components, including the sliding cord in teflon tubing systems for the Multi-Flow and U-Flow systems.

Joshua Speckman,  USA


Natural Balance

I'm a longtime customer (since 1995) and enthusiastic fan of your pack designs, every since I took an Aarn Natural Balance to Europe in 1995.

Wearing that pack (with the "balance buddies" as they were called at the time, of course) I have climbed in the Dolomites in Italy, hiked in the French and Swiss Alps, and scrambled and climbed all over mountains near my present home in Seattle, WA. I've worn your pack on every conceivable kind of trip, from long hikes over flat ground to "light and fast: alpine climbs going straight up. 

AND, having formerly worked in the outdoor industry, I've had the opportunity to fit and wear almost every kind of pack design there is. To this day, nothing compares to my good 'ol Aarn  Natural Balance pack.

I wanted to send this note to personally thank you for the enjoyment I've had over the years thanks to your groundbreaking design. Very few packs are equally well suited for hostel-hopping around Europe and summiting Mt. Rainier. Yours is. And, after 15 years, it's still holding up pretty well, all things considered. Anyway, I wanted to say thank you. 

If I was still in the outdoor retail industry, I'd still be selling your packs. There is nothing to compare to them, (as you know!!) It's a shame that they're still so hard to find, here in the US, but I'm glad you're still making them. Best of luck to you, and thanks again for doing what you're doing.

Eric Fredrickson, Seattle, WA, USA


Tested: June 2008, northern Australia, solo walk over 23 days (full pack, no re-supply possible) Environment: tropical; dry season; slow country = deep gorges, loose rocks, exposed ledges, spinifex/sandstone ridges, screw-pine cluttered valleys, open woodland, vine thickets, speargrass hells Exposure/time (from Easiest to Hardest): strolling over horizontal, open, flat ground (1%), walking in woodland, feet mostly visible (25%), rock-hopping along creeks, feet visible (35%), river crossings (1%), high-stepping through over-head-high vegetation, feet not visible (25%), pushing/scraping through distorted spinifex/sandstone labyrinths, feet often not visible (7%), gorge climbing (6%) Weights: body: 64 kg (141 lbs) skin-out at start: 24 kg (53 lbs) (of which 2 kg clothes/shoes/hat) complete pack at start: 22 kg (46.3 lbs). 

Other packs used on previous walks: On earlier walks (over 14/20/21 days) in various parts of the Australian Kimberley, I used a very light (710 g = 25 oz) frameless pack, the “Starlite” (Six Moon Designs, 2004 model, recommended for 16 kg/35 lbs loads max; I carried 16-19 kg. During those 3 walks, obsessed with the idea that “light is always better than heavy”, I pushed myself through difficult country (with stays added to the pack on the 3rd trip). I took it for granted that my daily exhaustion, especially during the first 2 walks, merely reflected the hard terrain. I was physically in above-average condition. Trip #4 (2008) changed my mind: I now had an Aarn.

My experience: At first, I felt like a bicycle rider in the seat of a Ferrari. Starting out with the “Natural Balance” crammed and heavy (=1/3 of my body weight), I spent the first 2+ days fiddling with adjustments; numerous possibilities meant that I had to *learn*. I carried most of the dense, heavy stuff in the front Balance Pockets (satphone, camera, GPS, lots of lithium batteries, muesli bars etc). These pockets hold max. 10 L/pair (=22 lbs/pair). The rear pack: it is divided into top and bottom loading sections. The top section contains a removable dryliner with a vertical divider making 2 cylinders; these parallel cylinders keep the cargo close to the body, i.e. prevent weight from bulging out and away from the back (the stressful lever action I knew well from my previous packs). Excellent solution! - with one disadvantage: loading requires *thinking*. The front Balance Pockets: Each contains a bendable alu stay that is seated in the front hip belt. Meaning, the “Balance Pockets”, too, do not weigh on the shoulders at all but only on the hip. Since there are 2 front packs - the center chest gap lets me see my feet while walking. Also, I can use my arms freely. Although the Balance Pockets were packed full, and are designed to lean away from the chest (bendable stays = no sweaty contact with body), I had no problem seeing my feet while on the move. Only when standing still could I not see my feet comfortably. This rarely posed a problem, though.

Day 1-2 (v high grass, deep gorge packed with boulders, river crossing): I am amazed, amazed: I am comfortable, despite the heat and the weight. Still, this highly customizable pack demands more than just 1 or 2 hours of initial learning. The most important of all adjustments to be figured out is the *precise* fitting of the hip belt (since the whole pack rests on this). Day 3 (steep slopes of loose rocks): I am much impressed by the quality of workmanship and materials: the pack feels and looks tough.Days 4-5 (ravines, spinifex thickets): After eating 2 kg of food, I have now achieved a comfortable ratio of body vs. carried weight. The pack’s tough materials seem not to suffer even when I scrape through thorny vines and scramble across huge boulders. And the numerous brushes against bushfire-burnt trees leave hardly a mark. Packing has become somewhat easier: Tent, sleeping bag etc. in the bottom section, accessible from below; food and mat are in the top section which still rises high enough to bump a little against the rim of my hat.Day 6 (open woodland): Hot, hot. I keep a full 500cc water bottle in the front outer stretch pocket of one “Balance Pocket”. I am grateful for the 3D “Matrix Mesh” between my back and the pack: it does let the air ventilate nicely, keeping my shirt almost dry.Day 7 (gorge): Climbing down along a string of waterfalls, I am doubly cautious: loose rocks, partially hidden; few handholds. A few intense stretches, edging along ledges. By now, I have come to love my pack: it seems to move as part of my torso, rather than swinging or jerking away from me; and I feel no fatigue at all. And yet, on exposed ledges, the bulky front “Balance Pockets” make it impossible to keep kiss-close to the rock face. This awkwardness is mostly compensated for by the astonishing overall balance of the pack – the back part never seems to pull me backwards away from the rock. Still, when I find my chest forced away from the rock face by the bulging front Balance Pockets, I sometimes have to retreat and to look for a safer route. On the other hand: a *conventional* back-only pack might let me press my chest flat against a rock face but would pull me more, by lever action, away from the wall. No, sir, give me my Aarn. (Aarn – a new hipbelt holster allows you let the Pockets swing to the sides easily when you unclip the top straps, for such moves). Days 8-12 (screw-pines in flooded deep-grass valleys; then waterless rock labyrinths higher up): On some previous trips, this was when fatigue began to overcome me. But now I feel none at all, despite this being the hardest country I have yet walked. My back, hitherto prone to lumbar pain: no pain. Shoulders and neck muscles: loose. I am no spring chicken but I feel like a spring chicken.Days 7-23: Houston, we have a problem. On one of the front Balance Pockets, the alu stay’s top is working its way out top of the sleeve top. Using a light carabiner, I connect the Balance Pocket’s side plastic ring to the connector strap on the pack’s shoulder strap. All in all, this weird disfunction hardly lessens my delight in the Aarn. (the Balance Pocket frame socket has since been redesigned solving this issue - Aarn)Day 23: Conclusion: last week, I slipped and fell once – on flat ground. This is an enormous improvement over previous walks under a conventional backpack, where I took bad falls half a dozen times during the first pack-heavy days. I am balanced now. I am not tired. I am walking free. No, the “Natural Balance” is not cheap: at NZ$460 or more (US$320), you’ve got to need it badly. But as an old chap with a bad back who loves long walks in difficult terrain, under a fair load, I couldn’t sing its praise more gladly.

Anchan Braun,Australia


Background: After 10 years of marriage we had twins. We were farmers I was accustomed to working on the farm. I started carrying one twin on my back and one on my front - perfect balance. 

Years later I started tramping with friends. I bought a backpack. I always ended up with things dangling on my front. A large camera bag was best: it held everyone's snacks, camera, water and Elastoplasts. Then I found an Aarn pack sitting on the floor of our local outdoor shop that actually had front bags, called Balance Pockets. The pack was huge - 85kg. but it balanced me perfectly. I managed with heavy loads (I often take a tent). I stood upright, and had no back or knee problems.

Age has crept on, the body changes, bones protrude, flesh disintegrates, carrying weight becomes a burden.

Then I bought a Natural Balance. It weighs a kilo less than my old pack. I climbed in the hills around me, crawling in places, I packed it to the limit, I tramped out in heavy rain, it was faultless. I have done some real bush whacking with it, thinking the fine fabric would tear: it did not. This for me is the perfect pack.

The Aarn design is the most intelligent and ingenious pack I have had anything to do with. I would never consider another type of pack. The design has thought carefully about the body and how it reacts to weight bearing. The pockets are in all the right places - maps, cell-phone, water, food - everything in perfect position to reach without having to take the pack off.

I congratulate Aarn. His engineering and design skills are superb. And thank you for the extra years of freedom this pack will give me.

Having just come back from a 14km. hike in the hills in perfect shape and able to spend the rest of the day at work and still feel OK I am elated.

Jo Speedy, Hastings, NZ


“I recently took the Natural Balance Bodypack to the UK where I completed the Lands End to John O’Groats Walk—1,050 miles in 57 days, i.e. an average day of walking 18 to 24 miles. The Bodypack did the business! I’m enormously impressed with the pack which I have no doubt helped me to complete the journey without any notable incidents or setbacks. 

Having had a lumbar discectomy a few years ago, and a history of neck and upper back problems, it was essential that the pack and hipbelt put minimal strain on my lower back, neck and shoulders. I found that at the end of each day, I had no soreness or tiredness in these areas. Further, my overall fatigue level after 8 to 10 hours walking was surprisingly low, given that I was carrying an average daily load of about 13 kg.

The fore and aft balancing worked well—I found that I had good balance when it was really needed; going up or down steep gradients, rock-hopping, crossing streams or on slippery surfaces. The backpack proved 100% waterproof.Thanks for helping me to realize a dream!” 

Richard Hipgrave, Wellington, NZ

“Hi. Not something that I usually do, but I just could not let the event pass without comment.  An unsolicited recommendation!

I am 59 years old and my wife is 56. In February 2004 we had a serious bike accident where my wife broke her collarbone, her pelvis and a rib.  I fortunately suffered more minor injuries.  We are both keen trampers and planned to continue but were worried about being able to carry our old packs, which always gave problems mainly on our shoulders.  We purchased two of your Natural Balance packs (mine the 75L, my wife's the 70L). 


We have just returned from 4 days of tramping round Lake Waikaremoana and what a revelation!  Both of us just could not believe that you could spend days with the pack on and have absolutely no issues with the weight.  These packs just have no impact on you shoulders. This particular tramp requires a lot of clambering up and down a 'root' based track but the packs were just great to carry.  I cannot recommend the packs more highly and regardless of whether you have problems I am sure that you will benefit from using these amazingly designed packs.”

Thanks for saving our outdoors life!

David & Margaret Ivory, North Island, New Zealand

Thanks for such a wonderful pack! It was a big investment, but I've never been happier with a piece of adventure equipment. The fantastic design and great build quality make it a pleasure to handle and has saved me in some tricky situations.

When scrambling up vertical inclines with a previous pack the awkward and scary sensation of falling backwards down a steep cliff makes me appreciate the Natural balance so much more- I use it for all my treks now- even day walks.

I love the balance pockets to store my water bottles - what a fantastically versatile unit!

Ben Campbell, Ashford, South Australia


I have been using a Natural Balance for years. It is still going strong and is without a doubt the best, most comfortable pack I have ever used. I've done lots of backpacking the Sierra here in California and it never fails to get people's attention on the trail. I always tell them, "You are looking at the pack of the future."

David Nelson, California, USA


Thank you guys for designing and making such a unique pack (Natural Balance). I have been walking for 35 years and this pack is the only reason I can continue now. I have a neck injury and normal backpacks place to much strain upon my shoulders causing neck and back pain. My Aarn pack has solved this problem with the Balance Pockets and I regularly carry up to 17kgs on extended walks for 7-10 days with no pain. The durability and strength of the pack has been exceptional for the last 2 years of use. I recently completed the Western Arthurs in Tasmania probably Australia's toughest Mountain walk over 7 days without problem or neck/back pain. The integrated waterproof liner solves so many issues and packing my sleeping bag directly into the waterproof section at the bottom has been a bonus. Such a fantastic product, thank you so much!

Mark Skinner, Sydney, Australia

As a long distant hiker, pack weight is critical as is it's ability to carry a load when called for. So although I would not consider myself an ultra light hiker, overall weight is important to the success of my treks. I just completed a successful and documented through hike of the Appalachian Trail (2185.9 miles) and Florida National Scenic trail starting in Key West Florida (over 1300 miles). I used the Natural Balance Pack w/Expedition Balance Pockets on both, and was extremely pleased with it's performance. It served me very well and was an amazing pack especially when carrying heavy loads was necessary.

Brett Hessenius, Austin, Texas, USA


I purchased a Natural Balance recently and have taken it out for use on unsupported treks over one week on the Pyrenees High Route. I really love the way the pack carries. The harness is extremely effective both at placing all of the weight on my hips in a balanced fashion as well as allowing for full swivel in the hips and full freedom in the shoulders. The feeling of freedom and balance with the pack loaded is unlike anything I've experienced, even from other made-to-order cottage manufacturers. In short, I'm really really impressed with the way the pack carries both with light and medium loads, and it seems to be a product whose design is now fully mature with all of the bugs and kinks ironed out.

Jon Solomon, Lyon, France

Bruce is really impressed with his NB pack and couldn't stop raving about it and was planning more trips.  We can only reiterate the amazing testimonials on your website - they are true.

Thank you for your amazing packs. It was so good to get out into nature again.

Joan Fitzgerald,  Lower Hutt, New Zealand


The Aarn Design Natural Balance  pack generated the most interest from fellow hikers. The twin Balance Pockets at my chest meant I looked different from a traditional hiker but there were three distinct advantages to the design: 1) My centre of gravity was over my hips, so I felt balanced and even gazelle-like as I hopped over streams and from boulder to boulder. 2) My posture was upright, so I could breathe more fully and didn't feel as tired at the end of the day as when using a traditional pack. 3) Within easy reach was my camera, snacks, water-bottle, sunscreen, maps – there was no need to take my pack off every time I wanted to take a photo or have a drink. 

Stuart Fleming, section in his bookBlisters, Bugs & Abandoned Underwear: A Solo Trek of New Zealand. Published 2014. Stuart lives in Christchurch and we helped him with a sponsorship. 


Natural Balance PRO

Last summer I undertook to walk from Cape Farewell to the Southern Coast, staying as close as I sensibly could to the main divide of New Zealand's South Island. I switched to an Aarn Natural Balance PRO part way into the trip as my old pack was heavy and falling to bits. I wanted lightweight comfort which could still carry enough gear to do multi-day alpine tramping. My longest alpine section was 12 days, with full camping gear and equipment for glacier travel. The NB pack, together with Expedition Balance pockets, coped well with a 20kg load and remained extremely comfortable. Being able to balance the weight and walk in a more natural upright position takes a huge amount of stress off the neck, shoulders and back. After 42 days of transalpine tramping, largely off track, I had no aches and pains. The balance pockets are also very handy for accessing snacks, camera etc. Aarn's harness system is brilliant, with the hip belt being the most comfortable I have used in 40 years of tramping. The back mesh allows excellent air ventilation. All up, I highly recommend this pack.

Gaylene Wilkinson, Golden Bay, NZ




School Mule

I have had many computer bags over the years, as I have been carrying laptops to and from work daily for about 15 years. These have been specialist bags, made by firms such as Targa but none of these bags that I have used survived more than 2 or 3 years daily use.

Around 10 years ago I purchased an Aarn School Mule because having proper shoulder straps should prove to be less of a strain on the back than a single over-the-shoulder strap of most computer bags. To my delight no part of this bag has worn out or broken in 10 years of daily use – no broken straps, no zips that have given up or seams that have come apart. The only sign of wear was the foam padding in the shoulder straps which had collapsed in places due to the amount of hefting the bag on and off my shoulders for so many years (the straps themselves were still fine). On mentioning this to Aarn he said “we have better quality straps these days” and in a few seconds replaced it with a new more rugged strap. So I am now set up for the next 10 years.

My laptops have survived well in this bag – I added extra foam padding around the laptop and it has been near perfect protection for the machines which are vital for my business – they have never been damaged. The design of the back pack has probably protected my laptops in other ways – because it does not look like a computer bag and has a distinctive colour not associated with computer bags. I think it does not register with light fingered thieves as something to take.

John Bird, computer programmer, Christchurch, NZ


Mobile Intention + Universal Balance Bags

I took my Mobile Intention pack on a trip to Africa last year. It was perfect for traveling  and I could very quickly convert the bag to a back pack.

I have just walked The Old Ghost Trail, this time adding Balance Bags.  As an older, intermittent tramper I needed all my gear to be light and comfortable.  The walk was 5 days and 85kms and I found my pack to be all I desired.  My slightly arthritic shoulders and neck were completely comfortable and I was able to walk easily down the 300 Skyline steps feeling stable and balanced. Having easy access to my water, camera and snacks was a huge bonus and I have renewed confidence in my tramping ability.  My Mobile Intention will also be my favourite travel bag and I will feel justified for the amount of money spent. 

Kirsteen Campbell, Nelson, NZ


Earth Glider

The new Earth Glider is even better than my very high expectations!

The pack is a pleasure to handle and to use. I have owned several Aarn-packs, including the Load Limo and several versions of the Natural Balance, but the incremental refinements over the years culminating in the Earth Glider feels like build-quality and design have reached another level of functionality, quality and user-friendliness.

Small details like the double loops and mesh hip guides on the hip-belt, water-proof top zipper compartment, sealed inner-pack, mesh inner-pockets, Velcro handles, and smooth action shoulder-strap movement make the pack very comfortable and easy to understand and use.

Ben Campbell, Gilles Plains, South Australia



Water Wizard

I used the WaterWizard on the Auckland to Wellington section of the Te Araroa Trail. What a test! It rained for 21 days out of 25. We experienced rain in most of its guises- from light drizzle, to sleet, to lashing rain with gale force winds - ALL DAY LONG! 

What I liked most about the WaterWizard is that it kept me drier than any other rain gear I have used in 50 years of tramping. It gives a TOTAL feeling of security. 

Its multi-purpose. It did not get caught up in tough bush conditions, it looks good and it dries amazingly quickly. There was more ventilation under the WaterWizard than a conventional parka and pack cover which reduced condensation so I felt warm and dry. The garment is also large enough to be used as an emergency shelter, sitting with your kegs tucked up inside- great for lunch stops in the rain! It was very useful to be able to take the pack off without taking the garment off. The fit was good and I felt comfortable with the Balance Pocket bulges in front. Freedom of movement for the head and the arms was excellent. Wind performance was also excellent - it did not flap or come away."

Chris Martin,Rangiora, NZ



Featherlite Freedom

“The Aarn Balance Pack Featherlite Freedom gets an "A" for innovation. I achieved a superb fit with this pack and comfortably carried 30-pound loads over a variety of terrains. Featherlite Freedom has one of the most sophisticated and adjustable suspension systems to be found anywhere, and I had no trouble dialing in a perfect fit. The pack's articulated hipbelt and sliding shoulder straps allowed excellent freedom of movement while the pack "stuck" to my back.”

Will Rietveld. Read the entire backpackinglight.com review of Featherlite Freedom

Natural Exhilaration

“The concept behind Aarn packs made intuitive sense to me the first time I heard about them. While I'd never had major problems with pain or discomfort while hiking and backpacking, I'd never had a pack that I really liked. Particularly with a heavy load, I usually found myself cycling through a few different positions as each one became uncomfortable; there was never any single position that didn't pull or push on something harder than was sustainable. So I was excited to try out an Aarn pack on a recent ascent of Mt. St. Helens. St. Helens is a long, steep, full day hike, and requires enough weight (4+ liters of water, layers, camera, etc) to give a good assessment of utility and comfort. On previous ascents I'd used either an Arc'Teryx Bora 40 or an extremely full Mountainsmith lumbar pack. The Bora 40 basically worked fine, though with some shoulder soreness despite a seemingly well functioning hip belt and a very sweaty back at the end of the day. While lumbar packs solve both of those problems, carrying that much weight for a long time would cause quite a bit of discomfort on my hip bones by the end of the day because the full weight was pulling back against them the whole time.
Enter the Aarn Natural Exhilaration. After spending maybe 15 minutes to get the pack adjusted for my torso and loading it up, I immediately noticed how comfortable the pack felt. There was no pressure or weight on my shoulders at all; the Balance Pockets were functioning as advertised. More impressive to me was that the way the weight rested around my waist via the hipbelt was immediately comfortable and distributed the load front and back. Once we got hiking there were some added benefits I hadn't anticipated.
First, it's incredibly nice to be able to access gear without having to take the pack off (or even stop hiking). Anything that's in the Balance Pockets can be easily taken out and put back on the move, and they're big enough for water, snacks, sunglasses, a hat, and anything else you might want on or off during the day. This meant fewer stops and a steadier pace.
Second, before using an Aarn pack I wouldn't have thought to complain about poor balance while using a normal pack or a lumbar pack. Once we got on the long boulder fields of St. Helens though, I noticed a major improvement. I was able to move as though I wasn't wearing a pack at all, confidently walking across the tops of boulders whereas before I would have chosen a more conservative route.
I was tired by the end of the hike, but none of that was due to the pack; I had no shoulder/ hip soreness or hot spots. The pack felt heavier while I was picking it up to put it on that it did once on, something I've never experienced before and more evidence that the balance system distributes weight more efficiently than other packs. While the pack is a bit trickier to size and pack than a normal daypack, it's worth the slight effort in every way. I would recommend these packs to anybody who hikes or backpacks regularly with weight, even if you think your current pack is comfortable.”

Brice Keown, WA, USA

Natural Balance

“Background: After 10 years of marriage we had twins. We were farmers I was accustomed to working on the farm. I started carrying one twin on my back and one on my front - perfect balance.
Years later I started tramping with friends. I bought a backpack. I always ended up with things dangling on my front. A large camera bag was best: it held everyone's snacks, camera, water, elastoplasts. Then I found an Aarn pack sitting on the floor of our local outdoor shop that actually had front bags, called Balance Pockets, it was called Load Limo. The pack was huge - 85kg, but it balanced me perfectly. I managed with heavy loads (I often take a tent). I stood upright, and had no back or knee problems.
Age has crept on, the body changes, bones protrude, flesh disintegrates, carrying weight becomes a burden.
Then I bought a Natural Balance. It weighs a kilo less than my old pack. I climbed in the hills around me, crawling in places, I packed it to the limit, I tramped out in heavy rain, it was faultless. I have done some real bush whacking with it, thinking the fine fabric would tear: it did not. This for me is the perfect pack.
The Aarn design is the most intelligent and ingenious pack I have had anything to do with. I would never consider another type of pack. The design has thought carefully about the body and how it reacts to weight bearing. The pockets are in all the right places - maps, cell-phone, water, food - everything in perfect position to reach without having to take the pack off.
I congratulate Aarn. His engineering and design skills are superb. And thankyou for the extra years of freedom this pack will give me.
Having just come back from a 14km. hike in the hills in perfect shape and able to spend the rest of the day at work and still feel OK I am elated.”

Jo Speedy, Hastings, NZ


"Hi. Not something that I usually do, but I just could not let the event pass without comment. An unsolicited recommendation!
I am 59 years old and my wife is 56. In February 2004 we had a serious bike accident where my wife broke her collarbone, her pelvis and a rib. I fortunately suffered more minor injuries. We are both keen trampers and planned to continue but were worried about being able to carry our old packs, which always gave problems mainly on our shoulders. We purchased two of your Natural Balance packs (mine the 75L, my wife's the 70L).
We have just returned from 4 days of tramping round Lake Waikaremoana and what a revelation! Both of us just could not believe that you could spend days with the pack on and have absolutely no issues with the weight. These packs just have no impact on you shoulders. This particular tramp requires a lot of clambering up and down a 'root' based track but the packs were just great to carry. I cannot recommend the packs more highly and regardless of whether you have problems I am sure that you will benefit from using these amazingly designed packs.
Thanks for saving our outdoors life!"

David & Margaret Ivory, North Island, New Zealand

"Thanks for such a wonderful pack! It was a big investment, but I've never been happier with a piece of adventure equipment. The fantastic design and great build quality make it a pleasure to handle and has saved me in some tricky situations.
When scrambling up vertical inclines with a previous pack the awkward and scary sensation of falling backwards down a steep cliff makes me appreciate the Natural balance so much more- I use it for all my treks now- even day walks.
I love the balance pockets to store my water bottles - what a fantastically versatile unit!"

Ben Campbell, Ashford, South Australia

"I have been using a Natural Balance for years. It is still going strong and is without a doubt the best, most comfortable pack I have ever used. I've done lots of backpacking the Sierra here in California and it never fails to get people's attention on the trail. I always tell them, "You are looking at the backpack of the future."

David Nelson, California, USA​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


"Tested: June 2008, northern Australia, solo walk over 23 days (full pack, no re-supply possible).
Environment: tropical; dry season; slow country=deep gorges, loose rocks, exposed ledges, spinifex/sandstone ridges, screw-pine cluttered valleys, open woodland, vine thickets, speargrass hells
Exposure/time: (from Easiest to Hardest): strolling over horizontal, open, flat ground (1%), walking in woodland, feet mostly visible (25%), rock-hopping along creeks, feet visible (35%), river crossings (1%), high-stepping through over-head-high vegetation, feet not visible (25%), pushing/scraping through distorted spinifex/sandstone labyrinths, feet often not visible (7%), gorge climbing (6%)
Weights: body: 64 kg (141 lbs) skin-out at start: 24 kg (53 lbs) (of which 2 kg clothes/shoes/hat) complete pack at start: 22 kg (46.3 lbs).
Other packs used on previous walks: On earlier walks (over 14/20/21 days) in various parts of the Australian Kimberley, I used a very light (710 g=25 oz) frameless pack, the “Starlite” (Six Moon Designs, recommended for 16 kg/35 lbs loads max; I carried 16-19 kg. During those 3 walks, obsessed with the idea that “light is always better than heavy”, I pushed myself through difficult country (with stays added to the pack on the 3rd trip). I took it for granted that my daily exhaustion, especially during the first 2 walks, merely reflected the hard terrain. I was physically in above-average condition. Trip #4 (2008) changed my mind: I now had an Aarn.
My experience: At first, I felt like a bicycle rider in the seat of a Ferrari. Starting out with the “Natural Balance” crammed and heavy (=1/3 of my body weight), I spent the first 2+ days fiddling with adjustments; numerous possibilities meant that I had to *learn*. I carried most of the dense, heavy stuff in the front Balance Pockets (satphone, camera, GPS, lots of lithium batteries, muesli bars etc). These pockets hold max. 10 L/pair (=22 lbs/pair). The rear pack: it is divided into top and bottom loading sections. The top section contains a removable dryliner with a vertical divider making 2 cylinders; these parallel cylinders keep the cargo close to the body, i.e. prevent weight from bulging out and away from the back (the stressful lever action I knew well from my previous packs). Excellent solution! - with one disadvantage: loading requires *thinking*. The front Balance Pockets: Each contains a bendable alu stay that is seated in the front hip belt. Meaning, the “Balance Pockets”, too, do not weigh on the shoulders at all but only on the hip. Since there are 2 front packs - the center chest gap lets me see my feet while walking. Also, I can use my arms freely. Although the Balance Pockets were packed full, and are designed to lean away from the chest (bendable stays=no sweaty contact with body), I had no problem seeing my feet while on the move.
Day 1-2 (v high grass, deep gorge packed with boulders, river crossing): I am amazed, amazed: I am comfortable, despite the heat and the weight. Still, this highly customizable pack demands more than just 1 or 2 hours of initial learning. The most important of all adjustments to be figured out is the *precise* fitting of the hip belt (since the whole pack rests on this).
Day 3 (steep slopes of loose rocks): I am much impressed by the quality of workmanship and materials: the pack feels and looks tough.
Days 4-5 (ravines, spinifex thickets): After eating 2 kg of food, I have now achieved a comfortable ratio of body vs. carried weight. The pack’s tough materials seem not to suffer even when I scrape through thorny vines and scramble across huge boulders. And the numerous brushes against bushfire-burnt trees leave hardly a mark. Packing has become somewhat easier: Tent, sleeping bag etc. in the bottom section, accessible from below; food and mat are in the top section which still rises high enough to bump a little against the rim of my hat.
Day 6 (open woodland): Hot, hot. I keep a full 500cc water bottle in the front outer stretch pocket of one “Balance Pocket”. I am grateful for the 3D “Matrix Mesh” between my back and the pack: it does let the air ventilate nicely, keeping my shirt almost dry.
Day 7 (gorge): Climbing down along a string of waterfalls, I am doubly cautious: loose rocks, partially hidden; few handholds. A few intense stretches, edging along ledges. By now, I have come to love my pack: it seems to move as part of my torso, rather than swinging or jerking away from me; and I feel no fatigue at all. And yet, on exposed ledges, the bulky front “Balance Pockets” make it impossible to keep kiss-close to the rock face. This awkwardness is mostly compensated for by the astonishing overall balance of the pack – the back part never seems to pull me backwards away from the rock. Still, when I find my chest forced away from the rock face by the bulging front Balance Pockets, I sometimes have to retreat and to look for a safer route. On the other hand: a *conventional* back-only pack might let me press my chest flat against a rock face but would pull me more, by lever action, away from the wall. No, sir, give me my Aarn. (Aarn – a new hipbelt holster allows you let the Pockets swing to the sides easily when you unclip the top straps, for such moves).
Days 8-12 (screw-pines in flooded deep-grass valleys; then waterless rock labyrinths higher up): On some previous trips, this was when fatigue began to overcome me. But now I feel none at all, despite this being the hardest country I have yet walked. My back, hitherto prone to lumbar pain: no pain. Shoulders and neck muscles: loose. I am no spring chicken but I feel like a spring chicken.
Days 7-23: Houston, we have a problem. On one of the front Balance Pockets, the alu stay’s top is working its way out top of the sleeve top. Using a light carabiner, I connect the Balance Pocket’s side plastic ring to the connector strap on the pack’s shoulder strap. All in all, this weird disfunction hardly lessens my delight in the Aarn. (the Balance Pocket frame socket has since been redesigned solving this issue - Aarn)
Day 23: Conclusion: last week, I slipped and fell once – on flat ground. This is an enormous improvement over previous walks under a conventional backpack, where I took bad falls half a dozen times during the first pack-heavy days. I am balanced now. I am not tired. I am walking free. No, the “Natural Balance” is not cheap: at NZ$460 or more (US$320), you’ve got to need it badly. But as an old chap with a bad back who loves long walks in difficult terrain, under a fair load, I couldn’t sing its praise more gladly."

Anchan Braun, Australia